A little about me



  • KayGovero
    KayGovero Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I’m Kaylee! 20 years old. 21 on March 21st. My husband and I have been vegan for over a year, now. (Ever since we got married) :) I love animals, holistic health, art, music & yoga! We have a little Pomeranian named Peanut whom I adore and spend my days with! ❤️

    I used to be very fit & was a gymnast! But I had a few health problems that have caused a bit of weight gain. As someone who used go be in great shape, it hurts to look in the mirror and see fat where abs used to be. But I am determined to once again become in control of my body! We’ve got this! ;)

    Nice to meet you all!
  • twenty2324
    twenty2324 Posts: 4 Member
    I love reading all these introductions. I am 32 years old, married with 2 daughters (4 and 2 yrs old). It seems I'm the newest to this way of eating. We just started a couple weeks ago. I watched the documentary "What the Health" and followed up with "Forks over Knives". It really surprised me to learn all these things I was taught are not true (you need meat for protein and milk for calcium). And actually hurting my health. So I immediately made the change and I do not want to go back 1 bit. I feel so much better already physically and mentally. I feel better about the food I'm giving my family. My mother died of breast cancer when she was 36 and I just don't want to leave my girls behind like that. I want to be there to see them go off to college and get married.
  • DisneyVeganLove
    DisneyVeganLove Posts: 112 Member
    Vegan/Plant base living is how I feel my best. Welcome KayGrovero & twenty2324 . I just picked up a copy of Forks over Knives this weekend it it awesome. Looking forward to all of us reaching our goals.
  • slossia
    slossia Posts: 138 Member
    Hi everyone! Steve here! I’m 63 and have been vegan for about 10 years and vegetarian since the 70s ! That was when we thought we had to eat rice and beans together to get a complete protein. Does anyone else remember those days?
  • Jkowals123
    Jkowals123 Posts: 133 Member
    Hi, I am a nurse, mother of two daughters ages 6 and 9, married to my hubby and live in Illinois. I have been convinced from Netflix that a plant based diet is the healthiest but want to try it out for myself. I am going to try it for the next 30 days and see how I feel. Yesterday was day one and so far so good!!! I also workout for 1 to 1.5 hours a day!
  • DisneyVeganLove
    DisneyVeganLove Posts: 112 Member
    Welcome Steve & Jkowals! Thanks for joining us! I do remember the rice & bean days! I love how things have change and how easily it is to dine out now. 30 days is all you need to see a difference actually you will feel changes in less the 5 days. Happy to help with any questions and suggestions. Happy Weekend!