March Schedule of Challenges!

themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
Here’s what’s on the the horizon for our March weekly challenges!

If you are new to our group or you just enjoy emails, we have an email reminder system in place. If you’d like to get an email when a new weekly challenge is posted, just email me at: ‪‬ and I'll add you to the list.

Please consider sharing our weekly challenges with your MFP friends. It’s always great to have more people join us!

Feb 26 - March 4: Theme: Exercise and Movement
Challenge: Deskercise!

OK, desk jockeys this is the week! Being stuck behind a desk for much of the day makes it hard to exercise. This week, let’s focus on exercises that we can do at or near ours desks. Even if you don’t have an office job, if you spend a chunk of your day if front of a computer, these exercises can help.

March 5 - March 11: Theme: Greater Happiness
Challenge: My Creative Side

We all have innate abilities to create something that didn’t previously exist. Whether it’s in music, painting/drawing, writing, quilting, cooking, or something else, regularly practicing our creative talents enhances both our health and happiness. This week, let’s set aside a little time to get creative!

March 12 - March 18: Theme: Healthy Practices
Challenge: Habits 101

Building healthy habits is the cornerstone of this group. This week, let’s take a closer look at the science of how habits are formed, the components of habits, and how we can modify our existing habits to make them better work for us. And exciting news! If you sign up by March 10, you can also participate this week in a free, online habits program developed by one of the world’s most respected authorities on habits. Details soon!

March 19 - March 25: Theme: Healthy Eating
Challenge: The Big Impact of Small Changes

This week, let’s think small. Small dietary changes and tweaks that you can make and can keep doing will make weight loss easier and improve your health dramatically. Small is sustainable. What small change or two could you make to your eating plan this week?

March 26 - April 1: Theme: Exercise and Movement
Challenge: Micro Exercises (By Request)

Whether it’s waiting for the microwave or getting a drink of water, there are lots of opportunities throughout the day to slide in a minute or two of exercises such as squats, wall push-ups, stretches, or getting a few more steps in. Let’s focus on these micro-exercise opportunities. They can have a big impact. Shout out to @prgirl39mfp for the great suggestion!