Collecting Ideas for Daily Challenges

Hello all, I am collecting ideas that we can use for our DCs (Daily Challenges). Please feel free to list anything you are having trouble conquering, or have just recently conquered. There may be others struggling as well with your idea/s, and we can possibly use it as a DC. That way we stay connected as a community and receive/give the motivation we all need. Feel free to list as much, or as little, as you'd like. :wink:


  • We just did working on drinking water. How about getting more vegetables and fruits in our day. Just a suggestion, I would rather eat anything than vegetables so its a goal I've been working on.
  • Gnawcraft
    Gnawcraft Posts: 764 Member
    Yup, I definitely need to work more vegetables into my meals to make them more filling so I need less of the other stuff! If anyone has any good recipes go ahead and check 'em in my 'what are you eating?' thread ^_^
  • laurarichards that is a FANTASTIC idea!!! I HATE most veggies and I'll do ALMOST anything to avoid them. I think that is a PERFECT DC bc there are many people, if not most, who do not get the recommended amount of veggies per day. Great job!
  • m23prime
    m23prime Posts: 358 Member
    I posted this as a mini-challenge idea elsewhere--but it is important enough to re-post here, I think.


    The brain needs to apply patches and reboot, and the blood and bones need the night shift to restock the shelves, and repair the day's damage to the machine. It is also a time when fat cells, recently released of some of their emergency fuel load grab hold of (and in a few days release) a little water--I guess to hose things down for the next tenants.

    Adults need 7-8 hours of sleep a night. And the younger you are, the more you need it. (ANd the more benefit you reap from it too...lucky young people...mumble mumble...they get all the breaks...)

    Anyway...for ALL of us Big Folk who are moving around more than we were used to, and doing it on less fuel than usual, we need our sleep more than ever!

    Obesity interferes with good sleep too. So that means making the effort is just that much MORE important.

    So...if pouring all that unused snacking time into exercise isn't doing it for you, how about reorganizing your week to ensure five nights in a row of seven to eight hour sleep periods.

    You might just have to TiVo Burn Notice, Copper, and Insert Your Favorite Here and watch them from your hamster wheel to cram all that sleep in--but it will be worth the hassle.

    I like going to sleep feeling tired in a "Hey I did a bunch of cool stuff today" way, instead of crashing and burning, in the "defeated once more by the hours and gravity" way I had grown so used.

    SO....SLEEEEEP....your eyes are getting heavy...SLEEEEEEEEP...
  • m23prime: you are absolutely right and that is a FANTASTIC idea... You should post it as a week long challenge. :)
  • m23prime
    m23prime Posts: 358 Member
    Every one of our daily challenges is worthy of being a weekly challenge...or see where this is going.

    No diets. No programs. No regrets.

    Just change. Slow. Steady. Sustainable. Change.

    For Life.

    Now drink the dang water!

  • Absolutely... I agree. Challenges just help keep us connected, motivated, and motivating. :wink:
  • m23prime
    m23prime Posts: 358 Member
    One of the toughest macro targets is sodium. And no amount of exercise, water, or happy thoughts can change the sodium number. It is set in stone at 2500.

    That seems like a lot until you try and dine out...

    I shudder and fear the thought of a sodium challenge day.
  • Actually, that was my plan for tomorrow's challenge. ;) So, brace yourself bc its coming. lol I too have not had a SINGLE day in the GREEN for sodium yet. :/
  • m23prime
    m23prime Posts: 358 Member
    How about fibre! It's not tracked by default, but it can be tracked.

    Unleash the power of mood altering movements!
  • Fibre is a FANTASTIC idea... You are full of GREAT ideas and wonderful words.
  • m23prime
    m23prime Posts: 358 Member
    Well...I'm full of SOMETHING...

    (fibre should help)
  • ha ha ha!!! :laugh:
  • We NEED more ideas for DCs! I would like everyone who is in the group to feel like they are an active member of this group. I want everyone to have a voice. Please post ideas that you feel would be good for DCs... It could literally be ANYTHING!!! Everything we do in our day-to-day affects us, and in turn affects our relationship with food/health. So, let's get moving on those ideas everyone.
  • Gnawcraft
    Gnawcraft Posts: 764 Member
    I found the water challenge difficult and appreciate that it's an important habit to get into (thanks M23 :P ). I wouldn't mind it coming back at some point as a week long challenge to help anyone else like me get into the swing of doing it regularly :)
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    We should be thinking about nutrition as well as just weight loss.

    Simple challenges like trying a new fruit or vegetable. Taking a multi vitamin. Cooking or using healthy oils (olive, canola, safflower, etc.) getting in an omega3 through fish, fruit or?

    The difficulty with these is using them for a daily challenge. They may be better as weekly challenges or even monthly?

    Beginning weight lifting - use canned goods from the pantry if you have nothing else available.

    Commercial challenge. If watching TV, do not sit through a commercial. Get up and move. Go get more water. Grab those hand weights and be as silly looking as you can stand, just MOVE!

    Pick your favorite meal, then look for ways to make it healthier. Plan that meal all the way through then post it so we all can share!
  • Pidge... I too also thought about making the water a weekly challenge to get all of us more motivated about reaching that goal... It's coming soon. :wink:

    dward, all of your ideas are fantastic!! I will DEF be using probably ALL of them. :smile:
  • slh0307
    slh0307 Posts: 50 Member
    How about a challenge to modify a favorite recipe to a healthy one and share with the group?
  • BTL what a FANTASTIC idea! DEF going up as a DC soon. :smile:
  • Get someone else (outside of the group) involved

    Like your husband wife sister mother best friend! Working together makes me feel good except i tend to hide and try and do it alone i just told my mother I was losing weight and she lives with me I was diet and exercise Behind her back!