Challenge the person before your post...

Dad4Myla Posts: 81 Member
Here’s the game!!! Be honest and do what your asked!!! Let’s challenge each other but let’s be creative and healthy. Here’s the objective, post a challenge and the person that posted before you tag them and challenge them to, 10 push ups, take a walk today, 20 jumping jacks, make a new healthy meal, etc. be creative. And have fun!! Let’s challenge each other to do something extra -Chris


  • NicoleVT83
    NicoleVT83 Posts: 67 Member
    @Dad4Myla your challenge, should you choose to accept
  • NicoleVT83
    NicoleVT83 Posts: 67 Member
    Why do my posts get cut short ?
  • NicoleVT83
    NicoleVT83 Posts: 67 Member
    B) All right trying this one more time. I think it cut short every time I added emoji.
    Challenge is to take a walk outside today.
  • evilfairies
    evilfairies Posts: 98 Member
    I love this! Ok @NicoleVT83, I challenge you to do 30 squats today (3 sets of 10 or 2 sets of 15). Good luck!
  • Mellykay88
    Mellykay88 Posts: 306 Member
    This sounds fun!
    @evilfairies I challenge you to dance like no one is watching for at least the length of one song.
  • Dad4Myla
    Dad4Myla Posts: 81 Member
    @NicoleVT83 I logged a 1 mile walk outside. Thank you for your request.

    @Mellykay88 10 push-ups please, before midnight!!
  • gin_rummy
    gin_rummy Posts: 222 Member
    This is scary but intriguing.....

    @Dad4Myla I guess you're getting another one! Find a new recipe using a vegetable you don't like, and give it another try!

    (I had an eye opener with this a while back, I was staying with a friend and we had homemade pizza for dinner. She made one beetroot pizza, which is my favourite vegetable - and one KALE and onion pizza - yuk! Except it wasn't. It was delicious. And now I eat kale all the time!)
  • Dad4Myla
    Dad4Myla Posts: 81 Member
    @gin_rummy I did, had turkey burgers last night, with let and Tomato (hate tomato) still hate tomato. Don’t mind the taste hate the texture.

    And since your above me, I challenge you to take a leap of faith and try a new work class or video.

  • gin_rummy
    gin_rummy Posts: 222 Member
    edited March 2018
    FAILED - but only for now!

    My employer offered a free taster session of Tai Chi last week, as Thursday was Universities Mental Health Day. I signed up - with gusto!

    Then on Tuesday evening.....I melted my hand. Literally. Hot saucepan that had spent half an hour baking in a hot oven. My husband pulled it out, with oven glove, and popped it on the hob. I went to serve and forgot about the oven part - I mean, it's a saucepan full of our dinner, sitting on the hob. Of course I can pick that up.

    You live and learn.

    Anyway, I had to work from home the rest of the week because I couldn't drive, so I missed the session :(

    BUT - I am going to get details of where it can be done locally and give it a try myself! Watch this space!
  • fatoldladyonamission
    fatoldladyonamission Posts: 572 Member
    Ooh crikey this is a bit scary! I feel a bit mean challenging @gin_rummy again but I’ll try to be nice. My challenge for you is to try something new for the next three days, and it can be anything, a drink, a vegetable, an exercise routine, a walk, a different movie, music, clothing, anything. Only rule is you have to report back on what you tried!
  • Dad4Myla
    Dad4Myla Posts: 81 Member
    @fatoldladyonamission I challenge you to take some progress photos. Compare and see how far you have already come.