Working out over 300 lbs



  • MzCara148
    MzCara148 Posts: 205 Member
    I’ve been working my way through level one of the launchpad series. Weeks one and two went well without incident. Week 3 has been my first hiccup. A new “exercise” should be simple - standing up from a chair in a slow controlled manner 8 times. Oh my word does that hurt my knees. Twenty pounds ago, when I started, my back was my biggest weakness. That has improved but my knees continue to be unpredictable. Some days they are fine and some days I am hobbling around like I’m 90.

    On my off days I have been muddling my way through a Leslie Sansone 1 mile walk. I spent most of the last 2 weeks working out proper sneakers. My feet have been cramping like crazy so I have to take breaks to get the cramps to release. I am making great strides in getting that worked out so I am hoping I can make it through without stopping in the next week or two.

    Gotta keep working on that burn!
  • bigghunny
    bigghunny Posts: 550 Member
    Im proud of you! You are doing a great job sticking with it. The knees are a hard issue to deal with. Like your back your knees will get use to it. Slow pace will win the race :)
  • cnavarro002
    cnavarro002 Posts: 235 Member
    @MzCara148 you are doing so good! Listen to your body and don't hurt yourself. As someone who literally just had knee replacement, be kind to your knees!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    my sister used to be an avid dance dance revolution player back in the early 00's when it was a huge fad, but she fell out of it. She's decided to take it back up for exercise tonight. Her old mat didn't work, but mine did, while my old game disc wouldn't recognize my mat, but her old game did, so between the two of us, we cobbled together one working version lol

    I forgot how much energy that game takes to play! And I forgot how fun it was!
  • crazykatlady820
    crazykatlady820 Posts: 301 Member
    I used to love DDR! I was thinking about doing a 1 month pass to Just Dance 2018 to see if I’d like it (I had the 2016 game but lost it.). It’s not quite as fun to me as DDR with the mat, but it’s still pretty fun.
  • MzCara148
    MzCara148 Posts: 205 Member
    @bmeadows380 I pulled mine out recently, too! I can't find any of the discs that I liked (can only find one and it isn't my fav) so I need to order some of my old favorites. I have to turn the "jump" off because my knees can't take it, but I can do the "regular" moves. So much fun!

    I have backed off to just walking for now because my knees are just sooo painful right now. I have a Dr's appt tomorrow so hopefully we can work out a plan for my knees.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    My sister bought some of the just dance games this weekend, but she didn't like them as much, and I didn't care for what I saw, either - mostly, I think because it tells my age because I wasn't into the music choices on the Just Dance games like I was with the DDR *grins*. We've got the old Playstation 2 versions of DDR, though she did order one for her Wii, too.
  • jjohn0129
    jjohn0129 Posts: 8 Member
    I just exercise in the living room after my wife goes to be. I do some squats, planks leg lifts, and anything just to move. I have recently started doing lunges but find it hard to keep my balance. I have also recently started doing yoga. I found a 30 day yoga challenge for beginners on you tube. I have found a couple I couldn’t do, but I tried and did the best I could. I did learn that trying to do yoga the day after overdoing the squats and lunges was a little hard on the quads.
  • kwiris0328
    kwiris0328 Posts: 51 Member
    I just finished day two of Jessica Smith's Walk The Weight Off 30 Day Plan. It was interval walking with weights. I used 1.5lb weights. Yesterday was cardio for day one. I like these dvds because there's something new almost every day and it only lasts 30 minutes, and there's a count down clock. It's also easy to follow.

    My goal is to not miss a day and follow the plan every day until April 30th. I'm on spring break this week so it will be easy to get a good start!
  • MzCara148
    MzCara148 Posts: 205 Member
    @kwiris0328 - what type of weights are you using? Like dumbbells, or ankle weights?
  • kwiris0328
    kwiris0328 Posts: 51 Member
    @MzCara148 dumbells, and the videos alternates cardio and strength days. I started with the lightest weights I could find. She says to try to work up to 5lb weights by the end. We'll see. I'm just a little sore today which means I did something right I think.
  • kwiris0328
    kwiris0328 Posts: 51 Member
    I just finished day seven of the Walk On 30 day plan. I lifted weights, did an ab workout, used a resistance band and did tons of cardio. And I survived. I really didn't think I could do any of that but I did. It wasn't pretty but it was a start! The challenge for next week is to complete days 8-14 during a week when I have to work.
  • JJKM02
    JJKM02 Posts: 250 Member
    I do aquafit three times a week...Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Then I go to an hour long pound class three times a week on Monday, Friday, and Saturday. I have gained a great deal of strength and some toning through swimming. Pound adds cardio. O
    I have become addicted to both!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    I'd love to find a swimming class or water aerobics class, but unfortunately, there isn't a public pool in the area I live; I'd have to drive a minimum of 45 minutes to an hour to get to the closest Y with a pool :( and with my work schedule being what it is, I can't make the time slots.

    My grandfather had a renter who left an old elliptical in one of his rentals a few months ago, and he gave it to me. I finally was able to go and get it on Wednesday. I've got it set up but haven't officially started using it yet. I've got to go out of town tonight and will very late getting home tomorrow, but hopefully I can goad myself into giving it a whirl on Tuesday!

    I've also been interested in perhaps getting a home rowing machine for the upper body. Amazon has some that are priced decently. Has anyone tried one of those?
  • amy_kee
    amy_kee Posts: 694 Member
    edited April 2018
    @bmeadows380 I totally get what you're saying about the newer music and dance stuff. Hope you can get the elliptical working when you're back. I love the elliptical.

    I'm in my mid 50's now, and am finding it so much more difficult to get in a real intense workout at the gym. It's just taking me forever to try to build up my stamina and frequency at the gym.

    I do my best and usually do about 35 min on the elliptical machine 3 X week. I also put in 43 min of weight machines 2 X week, and 20 min on an Arc machine for 2 X week.

    I'm just realizing that I'm finally "old." :)

    I've also been thinking about doing some swimming at a local Y. Two weeks ago, I went and signed up. I just haven't gotten the time or the guts to get in a bathing suit in front of others. The Y did build a new building last year and now, the women's locker room is on the same floor and close to the pool. So, that's better. I just need to go and DO IT!!! <3<3<3
  • cnavarro002
    cnavarro002 Posts: 235 Member
    @amy_kee yes you need to just do it. Once you've gotten the nerve to do it, it will get easier each time. Buy yourself a robe that covers you up, and take it off right before you get in the water. You wont regret it once you get started. :)
  • amy_kee
    amy_kee Posts: 694 Member
    @cnavarro002 Thank you <3
  • MzCara148
    MzCara148 Posts: 205 Member
    I have been "on a break". The knee pain continues to get worse. I saw my Dr and she gave me two options - loose more weight and see if it improves or see an ortho and discuss cortisone shots. I also have a lot of IT band pain, I think from my stance being abnormally wide because my legs are so big?

    I'm going to have to find something that works if I want to get the job done.

  • cnavarro002
    cnavarro002 Posts: 235 Member
    @MzCara148 my 2 cents on shots. Yes they help for a while, but it depends on the person. My husband felt great for a few months while I only got relief for a few weeks. Also because I got them in both knees at the same time they elevated my blood sugar and actually put me in a diabetic range. I felt awful and went to dr. Gave him my symptoms , did a finger prick and said “you’re diabetic”. and put me on metformin. I cried. About a week later I was no longer diabetic once the effect wore off, but that whole week I had to check my BS 3 times a day. Afterwards found out its way common. Hubby still gets them but I stay away.
  • MzCara148
    MzCara148 Posts: 205 Member
    @cnavarro002 - sorry you had to deal with that. I get diabetic range BS from oral steroids, but my dr said it wouldn't happen from an injection. I wasn't sure I believed her at the time, now I'm sure I don't! I'm sure it's different for everyone but I was on prednisone for most of the last 3 years so I feel like the side effects just get worse for me.