Weght Gain with juicing???

Has anyone gained weight by juicing? There is a lot of sugar in fruit and I'm concerned about this because I gained a few pounds since I begin to juice. Any comments or suggestions would be great.


  • What do you juice? I'm trying to lay low on the pineapple and apples which are yummy. I learned to stay mean green style and try to keep juice a darker color regardless what I'm juicing.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,199 Member
    I've never noticed this post before.... I'm quite surprised that anyone could gain weight juicing, especially over time.... I averaged out my vegetable juices to 200 calories, which I think is higher than what they really are... and I juiced about 6 times a day when I was full on.... so I might have been hitting 1200 calories a day, but I highly doubt it.

    Joe Cross has commented on his web site, or Twitter, what sort of calories you might be looking at from juicing... but the common school of thought is, you'll never hit close to your BMR, so it's a non-issue.