Lead Active Meetings

reenagupta93 Posts: 18 Member
Did you sign up for the Spring Wellness Challenge but are concerned about being active during the workday? Do not fret! Incorporating active minutes at work is not only doable, but can also boost your energy, morale, and teamwork.

Active meetings increase focus, attention, and productivity! Here are a few ways you can hold active meetings:
  • Skip the conference room for a walking meeting if the weather is nice and note-taking isn't required.
  • Using a projector or smartphone, play a 3-5 minutes stretching video for a meeting break.
  • Encourage meeting attendees to stand when they speak or for half of the meeting. Also let attendees know they can stand during the meeting at any time.
  • During a break, play a well-known line dance song, like the Electric Side or the Macarena.

Can you think of more ways to make Division of Public and Behavioral Health meetings active? Comment below!