When did you spill the beans?



  • toothpastechica
    toothpastechica Posts: 250 Member
    We are at 6 weeks. Planning on telling my mom at 8 weeks (after first prenatal appt.) and everyone else at 12 weeks. I did tell my BFF yesterday because she's my running partner and symptoms are making running not a priority for me this week.
  • ksnel3
    ksnel3 Posts: 107 Member
    1st pregnancy we told around 8 weeks. (After my appt) Well actually we told my mom at 5 weeks. Lol
    2nd pregnancy, 10-12 weeks. And we found out the gender, but didn't tell anyone else.
    This pregnancy, I am keeping a secret until thanksgiving/Christmas. Hosting a huge party for both of our families and I will definitely be showing then. After that I'll mail out Christmas cards that will have a picture of my family and my obvious bump. That will be the announcement. :) Oh and none of us are finding out the gender this time. It will likely be our last.
  • Flybeetle
    Flybeetle Posts: 387 Member
    We told family as soon as we found out, then friends at 10 weeks because my husband couldn't wait! I felt nervous about not waiting the traditional 12 weeks but now, at 22 weeks I think you should just tell anyone you want to as soon as you feel like it. Anyone you know who would support you and offer understanding were anything to go wrong, that is.
    Anything can happen at any time and it could be nice to have a support network of people around you. Depends on whether you're ready to share in possible hard times as well as happy times.
    It's nice to have this little secret for a while but it's also really special to share with people you love!
    Do what feels right for YOU and don't be taken aback by anyone going, WHAT you didn't wait 3 months?? That was for a time when people didn't share in their hardships, these days we all hopefully have supportive friends :)
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    With our first five pregnancies, we told everyone right away. By the sixth, I was getting tired of certain people who couldn't bring themselves to follow the old rule, "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." So I announced on Facebook (still right away), with a note about ONLY wanting to hear positive comments. Then we miscarried, and I felt like it wasn't worth it to stress myself out about the reactions of rude people before we even knew if it was sticky.

    With the next one, I knew right away that I was going to miscarry. I just knew it. So I didn't tell anyone, even my DH. (That's a complicated story.) When it happened, I was so alone, and I called DH at work, crying hysterically. I regretted not having told anyone, and having no support.

    This time, we told just a few people who we knew would be supportive. (And then, everyone at the pub where we hang out figured it out when I turned down a drink, LOL.) After we saw the heartbeat, we told the kids and posted the ultrasound picture on Facebook.
  • Flybeetle
    Flybeetle Posts: 387 Member
    With our first five pregnancies, we told everyone right away. By the sixth, I was getting tired of certain people who couldn't bring themselves to follow the old rule, "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." So I announced on Facebook (still right away), with a note about ONLY wanting to hear positive comments. Then we miscarried, and I felt like it wasn't worth it to stress myself out about the reactions of rude people before we even knew if it was sticky.

    With the next one, I knew right away that I was going to miscarry. I just knew it. So I didn't tell anyone, even my DH. (That's a complicated story.) When it happened, I was so alone, and I called DH at work, crying hysterically. I regretted not having told anyone, and having no support.

    This time, we told just a few people who we knew would be supportive. (And then, everyone at the pub where we hang out figured it out when I turned down a drink, LOL.) After we saw the heartbeat, we told the kids and posted the ultrasound picture on Facebook.

    Ah, I am so sorry you had to go through that sadness..
    Can't believe people would NOT react nicely to baby news, what weirdos!
    Hope you get nothing but support now :)
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    With our first five pregnancies, we told everyone right away. By the sixth, I was getting tired of certain people who couldn't bring themselves to follow the old rule, "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." So I announced on Facebook (still right away), with a note about ONLY wanting to hear positive comments. Then we miscarried, and I felt like it wasn't worth it to stress myself out about the reactions of rude people before we even knew if it was sticky.

    With the next one, I knew right away that I was going to miscarry. I just knew it. So I didn't tell anyone, even my DH. (That's a complicated story.) When it happened, I was so alone, and I called DH at work, crying hysterically. I regretted not having told anyone, and having no support.

    This time, we told just a few people who we knew would be supportive. (And then, everyone at the pub where we hang out figured it out when I turned down a drink, LOL.) After we saw the heartbeat, we told the kids and posted the ultrasound picture on Facebook.

    I have a friend who is having number seven and she told me that people have made some really rude comments to her. She and her husband can afford another baby so why not? People are just rude.
  • Jessibear86
    Jessibear86 Posts: 111 Member
    i told my mom and husband's parents right away, but waited 12 weeks to tell everyone else. the wait kills!!
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    Ah, I am so sorry you had to go through that sadness..
    Can't believe people would NOT react nicely to baby news, what weirdos!
    Hope you get nothing but support now :)
    I have a friend who is having number seven and she told me that people have made some really rude comments to her. She and her husband can afford another baby so why not? People are just rude.

    Thanks, y'all. This is our eighth, and we're really happy about it. (We'd decided we were done five years ago, and then just decided we really wanted *one more* before making it permanent. So this is our last hurrah.) My family just thinks we have too many kids. I don't know why it bothers them. We can afford it, and our kids are really well behaved. (After being around other kids the same age as mine, my mom has called me just to say how good my kids are, and how glad she is for it!) My in-laws are really supportive, though. My FIL even told me recently that he was proud of me for not caring what other people think! :)

    ETA: Most people aren't *really* rude, even my family. I have gotten a couple of rude ones over the years (like the guy who ran the carousel at Ren Faire who tried really hard to convince me that I was ruining my kids' lives and they'd hate me forever). My family is mostly just noticeably *not* excited, and they make remarks like, "When are you going to do something about that?" Most people, though, most people just ask me to repeat how many kids I have over and over and over. First so they can be sure they heard me right, and then to tell everyone around them, LOL. Then they tell me it must be SO HARD, and they could NEVER do that, and they don't know HOW I can manage it all. And I kind of laugh and think, "Dude, I spend half my day re-posting pictures of David Tennant on Pinterest." LOL.