


  • Babette1111
    Babette1111 Posts: 89 Member
    edited April 2018
    Hello, I’m Babette, I live in England and I’m a 47. I work in IT Risk for a major bank.

    I can work from home whenever I like but was walking to the office tues,weds,thurs which is 20mins each way, at the start of the year. Unfortunately I started with frequent migraines a few months ago so I now stay at home as I can just go lie down as soon as one hits.

    My adult daughter lives with me but has found a lovely man and so is at his place most of the time nowadays. So life has become much quieter and I’ve found MFP (& Facebook!) a lifesaver to stay connected to the outside world during the day! When accountable to no-one the food & fitness it’s easy to slip a day....two days...a week and then spiral into despair.

    SO I’m up for this challenge!! I work out 5 evenings a week, mostly dance classes that make me feel happy to be alive and remind me how great life is!

    I usually have two rest days a week so this challenge will get me round my local park on those days as sat in front of a laptop all day gains me no Steps and my fitness band makes me feel guilty every hour when it buzzes at me to Move!

    I have lost 10lbs so far this year and am taking my two adult children to DisneyWorld in November and want to shed at least 20 more pounds by then. I lost 25 lbs in 10 weeks last year - and put it all back on in another 10 over Christmas so I’m doing it slower now to keep it off.

    I fear this long ramble hasn’t earned me any Steps either so I’d best go Move!

    Looking forward to being a part of this challenge! Bring it on!!! :) xx
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,411 Member
    Hi my name is Sue and I am a stress eater. Things get tough oh I walk I walk miles but I also eat chocolate. Yep I am consuming my exercise calories I just need to find a happy medium.LOL
  • CathyVee
    CathyVee Posts: 117 Member
    Hi, my name is Cathy, I’m a 56 y/o nurse. My highest weight was 172 lbs in 2009. I made a commitment to a healthier lifestyle, changed my diet, hit the gym and got down to 118 lbs ( that was a little extreme). I’m currently at 134.8 lbs. Just completed an April challenge and lost 2.4 lbs. would have been more but I was slacking the past week. I find if I track food, I tend to do well with weight loss.

    Looking forward to holding myself accountable. My ultimate goal would be 125 lbs but I’d be ecstatic to hit 130 lbs (that’s the weight on my driver’s license).
  • lisaloumn2
    lisaloumn2 Posts: 203 Member
    Hello, I'm Lisa. Have been a MFP member for a long time, but never been very consistent about logging and posting. I'm 50, live in Minneapolis, have a 17 yo, and about 50lbs I'm looking to get rid of.

    Started IF/Keto about two weeks ago and have seen good results so far (don't want to get into a debate about diet/lifestyle choices). Currently exercising 5 days a week and now that spring has finally arrived to Minnesota will be adding lawn care to the workout routine. Have been good about logging food the past two weeks, but given my past track record of dropping off the site, hoping this group will help keep me honest.

    Looking forward to a great May!
  • sienainthesun
    sienainthesun Posts: 48 Member
    Hi. My name is Margaret and I live in Minnesota. I just restarted MFP - was doing great for a while then fell off the wagon in January 2017. I am restarting my running as well with a goal of running in the Twin Cities Marathan again this fall after a two year break. I am currently at 168 with a goal of 136 by the end of the year.
  • MiChElLe1237
    MiChElLe1237 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi group,

    I’m Michelle and I just turned 23. I have been using MFP for two weeks and I have lost nine pounds so far. My goal is to lose 70 more pounds.
  • twyla77
    twyla77 Posts: 445 Member
    Hello! my name is Twyla, and i’m hoping this challenge will help me lose the last 10 or so pounds to reach my goal! I just finished the April ‘Lose 5 Pounds’ challenge (i lost 5.2 lbs) and I really liked the accountability / checking in part, so I want to keep that going!
  • tegtmeyerd
    tegtmeyerd Posts: 66 Member
    Hi, I'm D. I had a baby in May 2017 and currently weigh the same I did a year ago. The baby weight never came off and just keeps adding up. I have no will power and am a bottomless-pit, so I just keep eating. And to make matters worse I have a sweet tooth and a sedentary job.

    I've been on MFP for years, but really need to be held accountable now. I need to get the weight off so I don't need to buy any new 'bigger' clothes. I'd love to be back in my old clothes for the summer. For some reason all my athletic wear is tight-fitting for back when I was leaner and literally ran everyday.

    Now with the toddler, it's hard to find time to exercise, I usually use my free time to sleep!

    Time to be accountable!!!
  • bocasdelgrandpabob
    bocasdelgrandpabob Posts: 73 Member
    By way of introduction, Bob is the name. Bocas del, I think that means something in Spanish. I hope it is ok or in context or something.
    I have changed. I have made changes. I used to go to Weight Watchers. That is a good program. I should express admiration and loyalty to it. It ain't the same now as it was then though.
    But some years ago military doc told me to change or plan on a short retirement plagued by infirmities and otherwise not much fun.
    Heh, plan on spending all of your time and giving all of your money to doctors and pharmacists.
    Anyway, I never liked that exercise word too much. But if I can morph it into recreation that pans out ok.
    Got me an economy car, a bicycle and a tent.
    In the coming months you guys are going to find out how much fun can be had with that.
  • molly3210
    molly3210 Posts: 804 Member
    Hello! This is my fourth month with UAC. The first two were a learning experience, very eye opening.... apparently you CAN negate 5 weekdays of workouts and rigid food structure with eating everything you want on the weekends!

    I cracked down in April and the scale is finally moving again! Didn't make the winners circle but with only 4 pass days I feel pretty proud.

    I know that I won't be making the circle in May or June...I have a 2 week vacation coming up, and it's with a group of super foodies! Accurate tracking won't be possible during that time, but I'm going to stay focused on the big picture. Feeling excited
  • amichelel588
    amichelel588 Posts: 122 Member
    Hello all! I’m a 26 yo nurse and new momma of a 6-month-old little girl :) I’m back to my pre-pregnancy weight but want to lose like 30 more pounds.
    I’ve done UAC in the past and loved it! April was an off month for me for various reasons... but I’m happy to be back!
  • BobWw2017
    BobWw2017 Posts: 356 Member
    Hi, May will be my fifth time in the UAC. April was thrown off track with medical issues, but I'm really looking forward to a strong May. When I got involved with MFP last November, my main goal was to get to what is classified as a healthy BMI. So far, I am about half way there, but really feel I hit a plateau for over the last month. For May I'm adjusting my calorie budget slightly and increasing the exercise a bit in hopes of getting down to the next level.
    Wishing everyone a great May!
  • MrsCarrieRobinson
    MrsCarrieRobinson Posts: 90 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Carrie, married mother of 2. I started taking my weight loss seriously in May 2017. I have lost 120lbs so far. I would like to lose about 25 more. The weight loss has really slowed down and I know it's because I'm just not keeping myself accountable. It is time to get my head back in the game and my weight loss back on track!