Tips to Reduce Screen Time

reenagupta93 Posts: 18 Member
Too much screen time, at work and at home, can lead to aches, pains, weight gain, and eye strain. Though we may have to use screens to get our work done, we can reduce screen time in other areas.
  • Remove all notifications for social media apps: By removing push notifications, you will avoid temptation to check your social media apps during the day.
  • "Hide" social media apps on your smartphone: Instead of having social media apps as the first thing you see when you look at your home screen, try tucking them away in other folders on your phone. Out of sight, out of mind.
  • Play music: To fill the silence, play music through a speaker instead of turning on the TV.
  • Make Meal Time = Family Time: When you sit down to have a meal, have all members leave their phones in the kitchen or stack them face-down in the middle of the table.
  • Don't eat in front of a screen: As tempting as it may be to watch TV or scroll through our phones while we eat, we can reduce screen time and practice mindful eating by not eating in front of a screen.
  • Reach for a book instead: When you have the urge to reach for your phone, reach for a book instead!

Do you have other tips for reducing screen time? Comment below!