5/12 & 5/13 SLBC: Spring Project 2 and Weekend

themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member

Theme: Spring Cleaning Project 2!

Today's Challenge: What Spring project will you accomplish today? We've all got small projects around the house that we've been meaning to get to...let's get it done! It's a great way to keep moving and you'll feel great afterward.

Since we don't have a formal challenge this Sunday, I thought I'd make just one weekend post. Enjoy the weekend and Happy Mother's Day to all Moms!

Some Supplemental Reading:
Here's the easiest way to undo the harms of sitting all day


  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    If your weekend plans involve exercising outdoors, there are lots of benefits!

  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    I got outside this morning and got a walk in before it rains this afternoon. Today I’ll be decluttering the hutch a bit and may even venture into the garage (shudder)

    Enjoy the weekend! What are your plans?
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    I woke up early and took a 3 mile walk with my grandpup, Einstein. Then we headed to Columbus to enjoy mother's day with Dave's Stepmom.

    Once I got home I did the grocery shopping and cleaned out the refrigerator and organized it. Then I prepped my bedroom so my son had a room to sleep in for the week. I moved my clothes and essentials to the grandson's bedroom so I will not disturb my son when I get up in the morning.

    I am tuckered out and ready to relax for the evening. I am surprised that even though I spent over 4 hours in the car to Columbus and back, I still accumulated 18, 384 steps. This boot camp has really increased my step count. YAY!
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    nebslp wrote: »
    I am busy with my most urgent project (hobby) this week which is learning about birds. I volunteered to participate in the Nebraska breeding bird survey back in February thinking I had lots of time to learn bird songs and calls. Well, I looked at the packet last week and realized I may be in trouble since I’m not sure of about 1/3 of the 84 bird songs that I need to know. Do you know how many native sparrows there are??? Yikes! Why do I do this to myself!?! Anyway, I’m making progress and enjoying every minute of my research. Yesterday I spent a few hours wandering around the state lakes and a young man with a 8 month old baby and a 4 year old asked me to help him figure out what to do with a lost baby duckling. Once we got that settled, I continued walking. I’m also still walk while I read at home. I’ve been able to meet my steps goal since starting the boot camp and usually exceed that by 1500-3000 steps. It’s so easy when I’m distracted by a good story. Have a great weekend!

    Wow, @nebslp, volunteering for a bird survey like that is quite an undertaking! Needing to know 84 bird songs is a big commitment. But what a great way to move more. You’ll be outside in the fresh air and enjoying the spring. It sounds wonderful!

    I’m glad your One Thing of reading and walking is going well for you. Congrats on exceeding your step count! I appreciate hearing that Boot Camp has been helpful to you. :)
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    PinkyPan1 wrote: »
    I woke up early and took a 3 mile walk with my grandpup, Einstein. Then we headed to Columbus to enjoy mother's day with Dave's Stepmom.

    Once I got home I did the grocery shopping and cleaned out the refrigerator and organized it. Then I prepped my bedroom so my son had a room to sleep in for the week. I moved my clothes and essentials to the grandson's bedroom so I will not disturb my son when I get up in the morning.

    I am tuckered out and ready to relax for the evening. I am surprised that even though I spent over 4 hours in the car to Columbus and back, I still accumulated 18, 384 steps. This boot camp has really increased my step count. YAY!

    It sounds like a great weekend, @PinkyPan1. I’m glad your son and grandpup are visiting you for Mother’s Day. Your step count is impressive! Nicely done!
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,337 Member
    My project for today was unpacking and putting away suitcases. It's nice to be home although we had a great time. My husband went with me for a walk each morning which was quite pleasant.
  • pizzafruit
    pizzafruit Posts: 317 Member
    My daughter moved into her own home 3 years ago her bedroom has never been completely cleaned out. So far 2 days of sorting and organizing. Lots of steps, bending, and hauling. We have a ways to go and so the project continues.
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,337 Member
    @pizzafruit , that sounds like a great project! What are your plans for the Room after you've finished?

  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    77tes wrote: »
    @pizzafruit , that sounds like a great project! What are your plans for the Room after you've finished?

    I was wondering the same thing, @pizzafruit. What are your next steps?
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    How is the weekend going for the rest of you? Have you spent some time outdoors, in your garden, tending to your lawn or going for a run/walk/ bike ride? Or have you gotten a spring cleaning project accomplished this weekend? Please tell us about it!
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    Glad to see everyone enjoying the day!

    I had guests all week and we were out every single day. I am enjoying some time indoors today and my bed, since the guests slept on it this week. Tomorrow I will do the yard and take a walk in the afternoon. Miss my slow paced routine.
  • amiereisig
    amiereisig Posts: 1 Member
    Wow! You all are inspiring me to start a project I've been thinking of for quite a while. Going through my kids toys, sorting and organizing, and giving away ones they don't play with any more. I need to do this with their clothes as well.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    amiereisig wrote: »
    Wow! You all are inspiring me to start a project I've been thinking of for quite a while. Going through my kids toys, sorting and organizing, and giving away ones they don't play with any more. I need to do this with their clothes as well.

    Do it, @amiereisig, start on that project you’ve been meaning to get to! The hardest part is just starting. Once you’re in motion, it’s easier to keep going. A couple months ago we had our weeklong Declutterfest here on the Building Healthy Habits group. We do this periodically, a week of decluttering and cleaning projects we have been meaning to get to but have been putting off. My project was decluttering an upstairs bedroom. Two months later, it’s still organized and picked up and it makes me happy every time I walk into the room.

    Truly, the hardest part is just getting started.
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,337 Member
    I had another lovely walk this morning with my husband, and the weather was remarkably cool and overcast. We call it "May Gray" or "June Gloom" depending on the month, but I love it because our summers are quite long enough.

    I'll be organizing some this week, starting Monday because our house will be inspected by the city housing authority. Our city does this to protect renters from slum lords, but we find it quite invasive and feel like the city is evaluating our house-keeping. Still, I'll use it as an excuse to get some tidying done, so it is ALL good!
  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    Well, I just got home from my 1 1/2 + weeks away last night, unpacked etc. and this morning before work I decided to use some morning time to do some dresser decluttering. Even though time was really limited I was happy to get this done and now there's another box ready for the thrift store!
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    77tes wrote: »
    I had another lovely walk this morning with my husband, and the weather was remarkably cool and overcast. We call it "May Gray" or "June Gloom" depending on the month, but I love it because our summers are quite long enough.

    I'll be organizing some this week, starting Monday because our house will be inspected by the city housing authority. Our city does this to protect renters from slum lords, but we find it quite invasive and feel like the city is evaluating our house-keeping. Still, I'll use it as an excuse to get some tidying done, so it is ALL good!

    I’m glad you got your walk in with your DH, @77tes. That’s such a great routine to cultivate.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    Well, I just got home from my 1 1/2 + weeks away last night, unpacked etc. and this morning before work I decided to use some morning time to do some dresser decluttering. Even though time was really limited I was happy to get this done and now there's another box ready for the thrift store!

    Hope you had a good trip, @bcTRAI. Decluttering is a great feeling, isn’t it?
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    I spent time decluttering and cleaning out the drawers of a dresser in the room I had planned to be my "book nook". My stepdaughter came this week from Colorado and is living with us for the time-being and I wanted her to feel the room is "hers". @themedalist If it were't for the declutter challenge in this group a year or so ago, I wouldn't even HAVE a spare room for her! :blush:

    My husband took me flower and garden shopping for Mother's Day. Every year, I get to pick out flowers for the yard and veggies to plant in the garden and usually pick out a new perrenial each year. I love this tradition. I look forward to it every year!