June 5 Sign In



  • lessn00
    lessn00 Posts: 377 Member

    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes?
    Yes..  30 minutes full body circuits and Planks

    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day?    Yes
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes

    Busy day today. Wrote my goals down. Have had them in my head but I think it will be good to be able to access them any time my hunger or cravings or laziness sets in.  Will remind me what I'm fighting for.
  • Lorrieonline
    Lorrieonline Posts: 31 Member
    June 5

    Exercised: Yes, 20 minutes
    Within Calories: Yes
    Tracked: Yes

    It's still rough getting back into the routines. So worth it though. I also love photo journaling the world. I like to sing and paint when I make the time.

  • MzRuthy
    MzRuthy Posts: 434 Member
    Yes to the 3. 30 min bike.
  • julk188
    julk188 Posts: 55 Member
    June 5
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes.
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes
  • loopydo2017
    loopydo2017 Posts: 628 Member
    Yes x3 today (and yesterday too. Fell asleep before checking in!). A few short walks and strength training. Started a new workout program and I’m excited about it.
  • Anya_000
    Anya_000 Posts: 725 Member
    @trixie, I've never seen a baby swans, looking forward to your pics

    Yes x 3, I biked w dog before work, then walked him after work. I wish driving counted as exercise, because I spend hours on the road every day. I'd like to figure out something physical to do on the road, or at least between house calls, so I can stay in shape. Get sluggish from all the driving, and just want to lay around afterwards.
  • Spiralspinner
    Spiralspinner Posts: 56 Member
    edited June 2018
    Today was a carb glutonous day of a June 5th.
    I accepted a job offer and had a day off from strength core.

    I was under my calories
    I did a 20 min walkish although slow as a sloth
    I tracked everyrhing !
  • twitch82
    twitch82 Posts: 119 Member
    Exercised?: Yes
    Calories?: Yes
    Tracked?: Yes

    It has been a struggle so far this week for me but I'm doing it!
  • RangerRickL
    RangerRickL Posts: 8,469 Member
    Even though, I am traveling this week, I have done well. I’ve been under calories and taken the time to get outside the building and go for a brisk revitalizing walk. Tracking was fine too.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,136 Member
    @cardio_enthusiast I love your flower bed! Thank you!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,136 Member
    June 5
    Yes x 3

    Exercised: 68 minute walk
    Calories: under, about 300 calories
    Tracked: yes, everything
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,587 Member
    Exercise: rehab for my ankle ( was not encouraged by response to my comment about comeptition in 5 weeks, so I told him that it is a local comp so he can tape it!!!) yin yoga and JIU JITSU. Learnt an awesome guard pass and got swept trying it out, but it's how we learn!!!
    Calories: Yes, stuck to the plan.
    Logged: It was all pre-logged and I stuck to it.

    Started to feel the squats from yesterday... Yay, that means my muscles are getting stronger!!!
  • Stardust620
    Stardust620 Posts: 250 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes, 35 minutes of chair/desk yoga during the day (researching to find some videos my mom can do) and then another 45 minutes of deep stretch yoga when I got home.
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes, but it required a lot of careful planning/logging. We went to Friday's for dinner before going to the movies. I chose lighter calorie options than I used to and only hate half my entree.
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yeppers!
  • traci543
    traci543 Posts: 30 Member
    Exercised: Yes—8500 steps
    Calories: Over ~300. Not proud of it but I’ve already made my plans to bounce back today
    Tracker: Everythinggggg
  • eokoro
    eokoro Posts: 626 Member
    June 5
    Exercise? Yes
    Calories? NO
    Tracking? Yes
  • LoraineGB
    LoraineGB Posts: 926 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes

    It's getting hot...... struggling to get up early and walk dogs before it's over 90 degrees.

    @trixsey1 can't wait for swan photos @cardio_enthusiast garden looks beautiful
  • katy_maher
    katy_maher Posts: 44 Member
    Exercise: Yes, 75 minute dance rehearsal + 60 minutes of physical therapy
    Calories: Yes
    Tracking: Yes
  • amazsplendor
    amazsplendor Posts: 314 Member
    June 5

    Not feeling it yesterday. Pass 1
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,403 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? ✅
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? ✅
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? ✅