Back again...

BigChangeNeeded Posts: 671 Member
Hi All

My name is Jenni, I was a member here about a year ago, and I fell off the wagon good and proper. My life got crazy, my eating got really crazy, and I ended up heavier than I'd ever been.

So, I'm back. At the beginning of May, I weighed in at 341 lbs, I'd started to have real mobility issues, I felt ill all the time, and I couldn't bear to look in the mirror. I'm now down to 328, and I'm attempting to get out of the 300 club by the end of summer.

I hope that being back here keeps me on the straight and narrow!



  • usadragon16
    usadragon16 Posts: 9 Member
    I've been in the 300lb range for several years now and I finally got fed up. I watched "Obesity: The Post-Mortem" on Netflix and it literally changed my life. It gave me a rude awakening. I cried, I was angry with myself, and I got on the treadmill for the first time in a long time. Ten minutes was all I could do. I weighed myself on April 12th and I was 335.7lbs--the most I've ever weighed. It was getting hard for me to do even simple tasks, especially with all the weight on my small frame. I decided that I was done and I needed to change. As of today, I'm 302.1 lbs and am hoping to be 299lbs by the end of the week. I am dedicated to this like never before and I'm not looking back.
  • BigChangeNeeded
    BigChangeNeeded Posts: 671 Member
    Before I started again, I got to the point where 5 minutes walking left me out of breath and tired. I walked two miles yesterday, so thinks are starting to get better.
    I think I might have to check out that Netflix programme, I'll take all the motivation I can get.

    Your loss is inspiring, you got this!