New Girl!

dmmoench83 Posts: 1 Member
Hey ladies. I'm Dee and I turned 30 this year. I was diagnosed with PCOS (PCSD at the time of diagnosis) at 16. I got put on a cocktail of various drugs and after a while I just gave up on taking them because the side effects were far too terrible in comparison to what I was willing to put up with. Spyrolactin gave me dizzy spells and heart palpitations. Metformin made me want to die. And eventually, after taking Yazmin for a number of years, I ended up with a blood clot last year. Needless to say I am over the medications. I have been attempting to get my PCOS under control naturally. I am not concerned about having babies (Mainly because the odds of carrying to term are so small and the last girl i knew that was obese and had her child died of a stroke 3 days later. I'm not trying to deal with any of that. I want to be a healthy person. I am working on it. My downfall is my sweet tooth. Currently I have given myself a 2 week challenge (it started this past Sunday) to not eat anything with added sugar or white flour. I have mostly gotten rid of the white flour from my life. It still pops up once in a while. I am also not eating dairy. I don't eat a lot of carbs, I eat high protein, and generally work out 6x a week. I have been kinda bad here lately, but I'm back on track to go along with my sugar challenge.

Now that I am off all meds, and have been for a year my periods are almost unbearable. My mom always had trouble with hers also but she didn't have PCOS. Generally speaking they are just gross and painful. They've also been gettn worse over the last 6 months or so. I don't know what to do to ease the issues, besides eat ibuprofen like its going out of style. Most of the time I can deal with the pain and such, but the mood swings are what really get me. I can be crying one minute and chewing your head off the next. Does anyone have any recommendations for natural ways to manage my crazy?

Thanks for the suggestions in advance!