Patience is a Virtue

reenagupta93 Posts: 18 Member

Fitness goals are not achieved overnight. It takes time, dedication, and effort to see the results we want for ourselves. The key is to balance long-term goals with present actions. Here are tips to help you stay focused on achieving your SMART goals!

Understand everything adds up.
Though it may be frustrating to exercise each day without seeing results, every action you take adds up over time. Each workout, carefully crafted meal, rest day, and stretches all coincide over time to reach your personal health goals. When you’re not so eager to go to the gym, reflect on how today’s workout has a lasting impact on your health.

Investigate how impatience makes you feel.

Have you ever felt impatient but also carefree and happy? Probably not. Impatience often makes us feel agitated and stressed. Examining how we react when we feel impatient can motivate us to practice patience to eliminate stress.

Understand why you feel impatient.
In our line of work, our to-do lists are never-ending and our minds are constantly cluttered with interrupting thoughts. Awareness of our thoughts and our tasks at hand can help us gain control and achieve balance in our work and personal lives. By simply writing out your thoughts, your mind will slow down.

Just breathe.
When all else fails, breathe. Inhaling and exhaling deeply can re-focus our nervous systems and relieve anxiety. Did you have an unexpected work task and missed your workout today? It is okay – there is always tomorrow.

What steps do you take to practice patience? How does it make you feel? Comment below!