Where did June all go?



  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    So, I thought I posted last night, but apparently not.

    Squat - 3x5 at 90 lbs
    OHP - 3x5 at 55
    DL - 1x5 at 115
    Row (accessory) - 3x5 at 50
    Close grip BP - 3x8 at 55
    Barbell curl - 3x8 at 42

    I get to go order my cable attachment tonight :) I hope it doesn't take too long to come in.
  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
    Well... I have kept to my minimum of “30 minutes of something” goal. Either running, or romwod, occasionally both. Tuesday was run 2 miles and romwod, Wednesday was a terrible awful hot 2.1 miles and no romwod. Thursday was 45 minutes romwod. Friday I did a 2 mile run that ended at a pizza place... and then walked the other .8 miles home...and romwod .. today was 7.2 miles of intervals... my lungs weren’t quite ready, but my legs don’t seem to have minded to much. I think it will be opposite tomorrow, so I see romwod in my future.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Phew! I've just gotten back from running a 5k. It's hot and humid, my right calf hates me cuz I played some basketball on friday night and jumped on it a bit too hard, so I had to modify my stride a bit to compensate, which means lower back tired really quickly. I went in with the goal of 1. not stopping at all and 2. sub 35 minutes.

    I stopped 5 times and made it in 37 minutes. Yuck. IO still hate running, but OCRs are coming and I really should do a bit more of it. Then maybe my lower back would be able to handle it. As awesome as my "short" workouts are in the gym, I'm used to giving constant effort for about 20 mins. I started falling apart around the 22 min mark. My OCRs typically take 3+ hours. So yeah, I need to get used to working a lil longer xD

    Speaking of "awesome" 20 mins of work, yesterday's workout was a 20 min cap to do:
    - deadlifts @ 165lbs
    - burpees over bar

    then 55 trx recline rows within the remaining amount of time (I got to 43).

    Having to go straight to the rows definitely sucked, and doing burpees and deadlifts in succession is one heck of a metabolic enhancer. I couldn't walk straight for like an hour after that!

    I guess tomorrow will be another rest day. I'm wrecked!
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    Oops, forgot to check in Saturday.

    Squat - 3x5 at 95 lbs
    BP - 3x5 at 60 lbs
    Row - 3x5 at 60 lbs
    Barbell shrug - 3x8 at 60
    skullcrushers - 3x8 at 37
    Barbell curls - 8,8,7 at 47 lbs
    Good mornings - 3x10 at 60

    Bad news - my cable attachment won't be in for a few weeks :( Boo.
    Good news - I am lifting around the same weight now that I was 2 years ago, so my strength is coming back fairly quickly. If only I could see weight loss progress this quickly...
  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
    So yesterday and today got my Romwod, also got my little run today....
    As for Romwod....yesterday’s stretching has me more sore than 7 miles of running... pigeon plus reach back and tough your hands behind your back??? Wtf??? If I could do that I wouldn’t be doing Romwod... lol
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    soooooo . . . probably a month ago now, i vaguely remember this counsellor bending my ear about how it was 'CRUCIAL' for me to have/do something 'for me' on the regular, or else i'd crack up. not that i was arguing, but a cast of thousands seems to have no useful ideas as to where i was supposed to dig up the time to do that . . . #bitter.
    as a matter of fact, i'm not stupid about stuff liek this. and i'm not even unaware of waht that 'me' stuff would be. but i can't do it. a few times since my dad got out of hospital and came here, i've gotten to ride to and from work, and that has been [sort of] saving me. but my other biggest nomination for me thing was lifting - and i just cannot lift as things are standing right now. because the *kitten* hospital went and *kitten* scheduled me to bring my dad back for a *kitten* followup visit without even *kitten* asking me what even works for my life . . . and the time they rescheduled us to - with an attitude like it was a huge favour to me - was right smack dab in the middle of my friday lift club.

    and then the guy who was supposed to meet us did not *kitten* show up. thank you for listening.

    point being though, my sister is in town this week. and when i got home from work i persuaded the whole triad of us to make a bus trip to the community centre. where my sister hung out with my dad in the library, and i got to . . . go lift.

    it was so great. seriously. it's just one session and i may not get to do others for who knows how long, but i'll just take the one session for the so-nice thing it was. i'm still plugging away at my overhead press, still the only thing that i actually do on anything like a regular basis. but i was in an actual weight room with actual weights and doing an actual workout, so i supersetted my 8x3 hepburn presses with 5-rep sets of 'deficit' deadlifts. meaning, how the mighty have fallen, i just deadlifted using the same bar with the same nickel and chip plates, which is way low to the ground and weighs 45 pounds.

    they felt like i was deadlifting though. and i tried to slow down the negative, because eccentric loading is supposed to be so good for the tendon problems.
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    My schedule got thrown out of whack and I thought I was going to have to miss my workout, but I snuck it in after dinner, before going rock climbing. I don't recommend that.

    Squat - 3x5 at 100 lbs
    OHP - 3x5 at 55
    DL - 1x5 at 135
    Rows (accessory) - 3x5 at 55
    Close grip BP - 3x8 at 60 lbs
    Barbell curls - 2x7 at 47 lbs, then I did a set at 37 because I don't think my form was very good.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    2 days of craptastic gym sessions where I got out nearly crawling as opposed to energized like usual. My sleep's been awful. It shows.

    Yesterday was supposed to be PR town. I spent 30ish minutes warming up all 3 lifts and doing some bodyweight stuff, then on a running clock with 10 minutes for each, work up to 1RM of:

    - Front Squat: 125x2, 145x1, 165x1, then
    ........ 175... no, that's my previous PR, 177.5... if I got 177.5, I can do 180...
    I failed 180.

    - Strict OHP: 75x2, 85x1, 90x1, 95x1, 100x... nothing. It barely moved past my nose. My left shoulder doesn't push its weigth around much anymore. :( I *did* push press that 100 for prosperity or whatever though.

    - Deadlift: 185x2, 205x1, 225x1, 235x1, 250x1

    For a grand total of 510lbs. And while those numbers may look pretty decent to some, for me they are a regression compared to the last time I did this workout 2 years ago (I'd gotten 175/100/270 = 545). You'd think in 2 years I would've made *some* progress. But no. I just keep spinning my wheels and staying in the same spot, or getting worse. *sighs*

    As for today, I wanted nothing with waking up but i still dragged my butt to the gym.

    EMOTM x20 -> 2 DB complex @ 25lbs
    - 1 power snatch
    - 2 deadlifts
    - 3 hang cleans
    - 4 front rack squat
    - 5 push press

    Was limited on this by the push presses. (See above comment about my left shoulder). first 5 mins were okay, then it started sucking pretty bad xD Anyways, I got through it.

    Then a 10 minute to get 3-5 rounds of
    - 6 walking lunges/leg with OH KB hold
    - 6 ground weigthed windmills
    - 12 plank knee tucks/side

    Used a 20lbs KB and could barely hold it up for all the lunges xD I got 3 full rounds (split up in an odd way, I guess? Eh), and added 3 1 arm overhead squat / arm to round out the 10th minute.

    Did some double under practice, still sucked. My push-ups unbroken were 12 with getting stuck at the bottom of #13 yesterday, and 10 with the same crap happening today. I'm just not meant to progress right now.

    I'm near calling it quits for a while. But I have 2 OCRs coming up and I don't wanna miss 'em. I paid for those! Ugh. As much as I'd like to say I don't care about strength that much right now cuz my conditionning is more important.. It still stings to see myself regressing all the time. There's no way around it.

    And I'm sure if you'd given me a full week of more than 5h of sleep a night the story would've been a bit different, but still.
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    Last night -

    Squat - 3x5 at 105 lbs
    bench - 3x5 at 65
    row - 3x5 at 65
    barbell shrug - 3x8 at 65
    skull crushers - 3x8 at 37
    barbell curl - 3x8 at 37 (form felt better today)
    good mornings - 3x10 at 65

  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    on to 50 pounds for a new hepburn phase of the overhead press.

    that's pretty much all my news. took my dad to lift club with me, though :P to me it seems cruel and unusual treatment because he just sits in the corner next to the boom box, but he says he doesn't mind and it's 'interesting'. plus, he likes the people in the club and that's a good reflection of both sides of that.
  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
    I actually did a lifty thing today!

    Romwod followed by gym time. No real plan... just part of my “do something, do what you want, so you keep doing” sort of plan
    Bench... was having a hard time finding plates at commercial gym, so my jumps were a bit drastic for not having benched in a long time (months??). 10 x 45, 5 x 65, 5 x 95, 5x5x100. I was kind of sad about how hard 100 felt, but then I realized that I haven’t benched in months, and can STILL bench at least 100! So, there is that.

    Bicep curls - 3 sets of 10 @ 15, 20, and 22.5 (ummm how long have I said dumbbells should have smaller than 5 lb increments??!!)

    Overhead Tricep extensions- 22.5, 25, 27.5

    Then when I got to travel for work location was wetter and stormier than I wanted to run in. So I did workout dvd.

    In case we are wondering where my sudden motivation came from.... other than my gradual realization I needed to get back on some wagon, even if it wasn’t a full time lifting wagon.... boyfriend and I went fishing yesterday, and let’s just say the pic he sent me suggests the wagon might have gotten a bit further away than I thought it had.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Late on reporting this. Mostly just been lazy and exhausted in between, so getting myself to the gym is all I've accomplished over the weekend xD Thankfully today is a provincial holiday so I don't need to go into work xD


    Worked up to a heavy double power snatch. I think I got 75x2, 85x2, 90x1 (misgrooved 2nd rep, but knew I had it), 90x2 and 92.5x1 (2nd attemp wasn't there)

    Then I did an 6 min EMOM of
    1 muscle snatch, 1 hang power snatch, 1 ground power snatch @ 70lbs

    WOD was a "mobility-focused" 15 min of work (so all reps done for quality, still pushing the pace)
    - 2 snatch TGUs/arm (30lbs)
    - 4 inchworm push-up to sumo squat
    - 6 empty bar (35lbs) Overhead squat basically up against the uprights, focus on pretending it was a wall
    - 8 close grip overhead towel walking lunges (total)

    I think I got about 4 rounds in, went a little past 15 mins to finish the 4th, actually

    Then 100 ab-mat situps for time, with 5 burpees every time I stopped. I managed 35/35/30 in about 6 minutes (so 10 burpees). Can I just say, doing burpees with a fatigued set of abs, whole different ball game?! xD Also, I'm still sore from this whenever I laugh, cough or sneeze today >_>


    warmed up squats, then did a 20 min AMRAP of
    - 3 barbell back squats at 155lbs (75% of max)
    - 6 band assisted strict pull-ups
    - 9 HR close grip push-ups

    Managed 6 rounds and 5 pull-ups, I think? (so hey, 21 reps at 155lbs, not too shabby)

    And I was too exhausted to do anything else. I mean, I'm still practicing my double unders. But other than that, I just can't muster the energy for any extra work. I'm quite sore today, and I have a lot of cleaning to do, so I'm actually going to take today off from the gym, I believe. Not according to plan, but I gotta keep myself functional, too.
  • NightDip
    NightDip Posts: 1 Member

    Today is my day 1 and just wanted to say thanks to this community for inspiring me to go back to the gym. It's alrdy been months and months of procrastinating. 🙈

    I'm a 40-yr-old GenX who stands 4'10" and weighs 107lbs. My goal is to build strength and grow muscles especially in my glutes. Any advice is welcome!

    These are my weights today:
    Squat: olympic bar = 45lb
    Bench: EZ curl bar (5kg) + 10&10 = 30lb
    Row: EZ curl bar (5kg) + 10&10 = 30lb

    My warm ups consisted mostly of just light weights for each exercise (3 x 5) using dumbbells. No cardio before or after. Nothing. No core exercises. Not even a stretch! Oh my, should I do stretchings? I don't remember seeing any from Mehdi's videos. Hmm.

    At first I was concerned that my bench and row were a little light, but when I realized that they increase in increments of 5lb every session, well, i just savoured the moment! I was out of the gym in less than 45mins which alrdy includes hanging out waiting for the rain to stop.

    I train for fin swimming 3x a week for 2 hours (TTHS) and hope they don't mess up my rest days between the SL workouts (MWF).

    Btw, there was this gym assistant guy who came up to me while I was setting up my empty bar at the squat rack and pointed me to the Smith Machine because it was "easier". I mean, to dish advice before even seeing me actually lift. 🙄😜

    Ok, already looking forward to Wednesday. Thanks and stay strong ladies! Comments and joke are welcome! Cheers!

  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Back at it, although I am 1. still sore from Saturday (how?! O.o), and 2. had a bit of a kink in my lower back

    Started with a 5 min on the rower (~1200m, 70 cals) to try and work that kink out. It worked pretty ok.

    Did some animal walks to finish warming up, on top of getting ready to clean. Worked up to 75x3, 85x2 and 95x1 squat clean thrusters.

    Then 5 min AMRAP clusters @75lbs : 23 reps total

    And then I did the following for time: (this is actually half of what was planned, but I would've never finished on time if I'd done the full thing. I mean, squats and rows were going ok, but the push-ups were killing me :/)
    - 50 bw squats*
    - 40 push-ups*
    - 30 trx recline rows*
    - 20 burpees
    - 10 pike presses
    - 5 trx "muscle ups"

    * done in a 10/8/6 x2 then 5/4/3 x6 instead of all separated

    Took 14ish minutes. I tried out the weighted cable on my new rope. It's a whole different ballgame, for sure.
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    Lifted last night, but I was really tired and it showed.

    Squat - 3x5 at 110 lbs - barely made these. Will repeat
    OHP - 2x5, 1x3 at 57.5 lbs - couldn't finish the last set. My shoulders were still sore from climbing on Monday.
    DL - 1x5 at 145 lbs. Felt very hard. Will repeat.
    Rows (accessory) - 3x5 at 55 lbs
    Close grip BP - 3x8 at 60 lbs - also felt hard, even though this is the second time at this weight
    Barbell curls - 3x8 at 37 lbs - might increase it next time.

    Wasn't my best session, but considering I didn't even want to do it at all, I guess it is still a win.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Still so sleep deprived, and as it turns out, my sleep study was unconclusive. There's nothing wrong with me, except a bad case of Isleeptoolightitis (and not long enough).

    5 min AMRAP back squats @ 95lbs. FROM FLOOR. Which means I had to clean & press it into position. I did 21/13/6 for a total of 40.

    then 3 min AMRAPS with 1 min rest in between of 1 arm KB (35lbs)
    - Push press: I think I got 35/side? (so 70 total)
    - russian 1 arm swing: 50 total/side. I think? (so 100)
    - Alternating power cleans: 31/side = 62

    I may be off on those numbers, though.

    It's the start of TOM, so no jump rope today.

    I have a feeling my legs are gonna hurt soon >_>
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Another quick and dirty one today. Warmed up OHP, did some rowing motions, got into the hips a bit.

    20 min AMRAP
    - 3 strict barbell OHP @ 70lbs (~70% of 1RM)
    - 6 alternating KB power snatches (3/arm) @ 35lbs
    - 9 bur-effin-pees
    - 12 UNBROKEN American KB swings @ 40lbs

    As it turns out, swings were not that much of a challenge. Just had to hold on a bit. I got 7 full rounds + 2 snatches.

    That was it. Shortest workout in a while.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    holding on by one fingertip. that is all.

    overhead press. hepburn 50's 7x2 and a triple tonight.