OOOH! What did you bring for lunch? Trade? 8/7

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member!&utm_campaign=20130731_m116783332_RSS+Feed+for+http://www_thegraciouspantry_com/feed/&utm_term=Back+To+School+With+Clean+Eating_21

This is a cool article to get the parents thinking how to energize the children during the day at school. Oh and a cool lunch box or satchel would not hurt either! Okay who here remembers the comparing of school lunch boxes! I had a Holly Hobby and a Strawberry Shortcake! I remember a kid who had the Star Wars one!
As we get health let's teach our children BIG or SMALL the importance of nutritious but TASTY foods that fuel us for action!!!! Hey like these ideas for myself too! I am making a copy for me!
Here are some pictures of beautiful lunches (I am a visual kid!) Bon Appetite!



  • Hollywoodm55
    Hollywoodm55 Posts: 155 Member
    I bought my kids cute little bento box type lunch boxes and different shape cutters to cut their sandwiches and etc, and they seemed to really like it. But it is very time consuming and I make such a big mess so they don't get it everyday! Thanks for the article.
  • lisaissasa
    lisaissasa Posts: 402 Member
    Okay now I am hungry. LOL Oh and not only did I have a Holly Hobby lunch box but my room was Holly Hobby.
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    Oh - I wish clean eating didn't involved all the bread stuff. But I loved the Cooking Light site - I found a recipe for Curry Chicken Salad. That is one of my FAVORITE items at Whole Foods and the recipe is not at their site - I've looked several times. THANK YOU!!!!!!

    To add - I don't remember my lunch boxes - I know I had them - I think one was school bus yellow and another was blue but I don't remember the characters. I know my brother had a Wild West one - way cooler than mine if I can remember that and not my boxes. I had to start making my lunches by 3rd grade too. And Mom didn't supervise. I was not a creative lunch making kid. I think I was to worried about other kids criticizing my lunch to go outside the norm. When we moved to California at the end of 5th grade it was awesome to have hot lunch. I was in awe of the food variety and types at lunch. And then we moved to Oregon and it was standard school lunches. I quit eating lunch for the most part by 8th grade. To this day, I do not like PBJ and I HATE bologna. I think the worst combo in the world is bologna with iceberg lettuce and Kraft singles on white bread with mayo and mustard. UGH. Its probably why I am much more creative with my kid's lunch though I will NOT cut a sandwhich into cute little shapes. Oh Please. That's just a fancy way of getting rid of the crust which is one of the lunchtime childhood taboos left for me. That was considered wasteful and was not tolerated. Funny what sticks.
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    I had a Holly Hobby and a Stawberry Shortcake lunch box too! I remember that once my sister and I were old enough (I think I was actually in 3rd grade at the time) we had to make our own lunches (Mom supervised to make sure it a) wasn't too weird and b) was something that wouldn't go bad between the time we left for school and lunch time since we lived in Florida and they didn't have lunch box sized blue ice way back when)

    I still prefer my lunch to be a sandwich, a piece of fruit, and a little sandwich baggie of chips (although now I usually do baby carrots instead of chips) and we were given $0.20 to buy a carton of milk every day so we didn't have to worry about if the thermos would keep it cold (it usually didn't and in Florida, it spoils fast)

    Speaking of lunch, it's my lunch time better go find something for lunch...
  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    Thank you! I don't have any kids, but I found it a very interesting read. And I will keep it for the future.
