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Term 7

jgundz Posts: 2,735 Member
edited November 2024 in Social Groups
Week 1 - Home Sweet Ilvermorny

The green pines of Mt. Greylock were no longer covered in snow and ice. The color of spring illustrated the steep mountainside with brilliant yellows, pinks, and oranges of the recently blooming flora. It was time yet again to make the way up the steep mountainside with no apparition or flying.

“Seriously, a port-key would be very useful. I know we can use one to get to the castle after last term.” rikkejohnsenrij grumbled.

“You have no idea how much paperwork that was, to get it in place. No. We’re not doing this every year. Besides, the trek allows us to experience what every generation of Ilvermornian has experienced.” Professor zindroth quipped.

You hear a rather colorful set of language and sneezing coming from the beginning of the trail. ““Bloody *kitten *kitten* *kitten*”

”Normally, I would agree with you, Zind, but all of this pollen is driving me crazy.” Wand Maester Yume said before going into a sneezing fit again. “I swear this pollen must be magical, because this medication isn’t doing the trick, this is why I volunteer to help for the winter trek not the spring one..”

Chuckling Professor rbratt gathers their items and a few new first years. “We can take three routes up the mountain. One route is relatively quick but much steeper. The second route is considerably longer, however it’s not nearly as steep.”

“What’s the third route?” crawforda3465 querries.

“Oh, right we have a new route to get to Ilvermorny now.” Walking to the nearby river a set of canoes and rafts are floating. The other route to the castle is by rafting. You can now row your way up there.

The staff go to their quarters to have a quick meeting, leaving the students in the very capable hands of the short and stout pukwudgies, Grandmam and Grandpap.

Grandmam greets the new and old students as they arrive at the castle. The old Pukwudgie beaming as she has a new recipe to share with the students.

“We went to go visit some relatives near what those muggles are now calling ‘New Spain’. And found some delicious foods.” Grandmam started.

“Woah, New Spain, that’s quite the trek.” 220Dani said with great surprise.

“Yeah, it took us a week to get to Mexico City, but it was worth it. We haven’t seen that side of my family in ….years.” Grandmam replied pausing briefly.

“But, they shared with us these delicious tacos. It had these round green fruits called avocados, diced tomatoes, cheese, and beans in a shell or tortilla that was open on one end. They also had something similar that wrapped completely around food encasing it, which they said were burritos. So I came up with some of my own interesting combos,” Grandmam beamed.

Grandpap eyed her new concoctions warily. She always made good food, but some of her combos, like the pineapple and cheese pie sounded off, but were typically on point.

“Do you think they’ll be excited about this?” Professor Kiri asks.

“Well, I’m quite excited. Apparently the whole kerfluffle for the past two terms has put Ilvermorny on the map.” Professor zindroth chuckles.

“Did you get the special items for the ghosties so that they could be involved in this and not be stuck at the castle? Professor Kiri quietly whispers.

“Of course. We couldn’t not include our ghosties on this!”Wand Maester Yume said.

The staff stride to the tables where the students are eating tacos.

“Ok, tacos first, then announcement.” Professor rbratt quickly states loading a taco into her mouth.

Shaking her head, HM JGundz proceeds to make an announcement. “It is with great pleasure to welcome you to Ilvermorny for a new term. I see some old faces and new, and I’m sure this will be a fantastic term. For this term, we have a surprise for you. Because of some recent events at Ilvermorny.”

“Like a shragon,” mrmcgrath whispers.

“Or merkitty,” MzManiak quips.

“Or that we had people invade Ilvermorny and then had to go to trial, and the investigations,” NelsonKatelyn whispered with a smirk on her face.

“Yes, yes, some of THOSE things. But, we have been extended invitations from other Magical Schools around the world. We have been given a set of portkeys to visit six magical schools for a day each week, so that we can see how they do things. In the future, they may visit us here in a similar fashion.”

“So do we still have classes?” coop925 asks cocking their head.

“Of course, we would never compromise your magical education. We have worked with the other schools during the break to align the lessons we would teach with when they taught those particular lessons.” Professor rbratt mumbled writing down notes on the parchment in hand.

“We’re quite sure this will have a positive impact on all involved.” Professor Tahm stated.

“To start things, off we’re going to start a little more local. One of the local tribes has come by to talk to us about some of the magical creatures in the area.” Professor Tahm explained

“It took him many months to find this particular magical creature and we’re super excited to see it!” HM jgundz exclaimed happily.

“Let’s go wait out in the garden for him. It’s such a nice night out, ” Professor Kiri suggested.

The night air is cool against your skin as you walk to the garden. The stars above you twinkle as you see the Taurus constellation in the sky. You gently pass the Fairy Queen’s springtime estate, placing an extra ward around it to prevent any damage to her home. She buzzes happily as you continue through the garden.

“I heard that they were also bringing some desserts for Prof Tahm and rusgolden.” VictoriaTuel whispered.

“What?” Professor Tahm quickly asks.

“Nothing!” VictoriaTuel quickly replies.

Meeting Chief Greylock in the garden you notice him carrying a heavy wooden trunk. Opening the trunk on the inside is a skeleton of a snake like creature.

“Good evening everyone! I hope that you are all excited about visiting the other schools as we are, now to start of Care of Magical Creatures, Chief Greylock has so graciously decided to impart some knowledge about the remains of this creature whom is in this trunk. “ HM Jgundz waves the chief over.

Chief smiled and opened the trunk to demonstrate a snake-like skeleton. “This is the Uktena. You may know of it as a Horned Serpent. There has not been an Uktena in the area or surrounding areas for at least decades. Finding this skeleton is a rare find as it is. They are typically described as dragon-like serpents with horns and long teeth and they are often associated with or said to control the weather, particularly rain, lightning, and thunder. Magical abilities ascribed to them include shape-shifting, invisibility, and hypnotic powers. They would be described as a XXXXX Beast due to the extreme rarity and magical powers."


  • jgundz
    jgundz Posts: 2,735 Member
    Week 2 Travelling Abroad

    Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you look around and see your new housemates. So many new faces. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to introduce yourself?

    New friends made, you eagerly make your way to the main hall. Today is the first day to visit the other schools. The professors have kept the order of where they were going a secret, but you hope that some of the popular European schools are on the list.

    Counting heads, the heads of house gather the students into two groups to take the portkey.

    “Now, make sure you all have your wands and Blue Ilvermorny cloaks,” Professor Kiri instructs

    “And a snack!” rikkejohnsenrij quips.

    HM JGundz, shaking her head chuckles, “We’re going to be travelling through a few portkeys so stay with us.”

    The first group of the students grab the portkey and pop along a cold sea shore. The second group quickly follows suit. Walking to the nearby bridge to two non- inconspicuous anchor with a young blonde haired man and woman in pale blue standing nearby.

    “Coin, coin?” the man in blue says.

    Professor rbratt replied “Mon caneton” very quietly.

    Qu’est-ce qui fait ce bruit ? the woman chuckles.

    “Oh, come now, Camille. Don’t tease them.” the young man in blue states, walking toward the group. “je m'appelle Basil, sorry rather I’m Basil. And this is Camille. Are you ready for the next part of your trip?”

    Nodding emphatically, the first group travels with Basil and the second with Camille.

    “Where are we…” bdbchick pauses, and then exclaims, “we’re in France! That’s Beauxbatons!” Grabbing onto the anchors you pop to another locale. Across a beautiful field of greenery you notice what appears to be a glittering palace.

    Camille and Basil direct the students to a pale blue carriage. “Yep,” thornrose13 nods pointing at the coat of arms for the school on the carriage, “definitely Beauxbatons.”

    The coat of arms you notice is two crossed, golden wands each emitting three stars. You each climb into the carriages surprised by their roominess. Looking ahead of the carriages you admire the large horses pulling the carriages.

    “Those are Abraxans” katsheare whispers

    A beautiful marble fountain pulls into view, water flowing out of each of the the sculpted masks cornering the fountain.

    As the carriage pulls up to the glittering palace you are greeted by dancing witches and wizards. There seems to be quite a bit of hip shaking and core work in their dancing.

    As you are greeted by the excited students, you are ushered inside. The walls gleam with an almost golden color in the open hallway.

    A tall brunette woman walks up to greet the Ilvermornians.

    “HM JGundz, how good to zee you! It has been far too long!” the woman greets.

    “Madame Adelaide, indeed it has been far too long. Thank you for your warm hospitality. We look forward to learning from Beauxbatons.” HM JGundz replies with a broad smile.

    “You, have had lunch, no? Please join us in the dining chamber.” Madame Adelaide offers gesturing to a room to the right.

    Upon entering the room you hear a beautiful melody being sung.

    “Wood nymphs?” the313 asks.

    “Yes, their voices are so beautiful, that it makes the food taste that much better,” Madame Adelaide says as the wood nymphs continue to serenade their captive audience.

    You notice that the Beauxbatons students have remained standing.

    “Why are all of the students here standing?” rusgolden whispers.

    Basil replies with a chuckle, “We remain standing until our lovely HM Adelaide has been seated. It is customary etiquette for us to stand until that time.”

    The HM takes a seat at the head of the table inviting HM JGundz and Professor kiri127 to her right and left at the staff table. The other staff members are seated near Beauxbatons professors of similar fields.

    Professor Tahm and a short blonde male wizard animatedly discuss Charms.
    “Why yes, of course, Sortilèges is mandatory for all seven years here! We’re not Hogwarts you know letting some classes go by the wayside. How about you at Ilvermorny?” the short blonde man charmingly spoke.

    “Henrie, we tend to have more of an open policy to allow students to specialize in their coursework after they’ve progressed to a certain level of competency. However, most of our students elect to take Charms until the very end,” Professor Tahm happily replied.

    “It must be because they have such a charming Charms instructor,” Henrie said while taking Professor Tahm’s hand in his kissing the top of her hand.

    Professors Yume and zindroth attempt to hide their chuckles as they partake of the hummus on the table.

    At the tables, the students are being instructed by the students of Beauxbatons on their coursework schedule.

    “Why, we are in the classroom four days a week! It makes for much more productive learning!” a thin blonde with dusty cheeks exclaims, “how are you able to do five days a week?!?!”

    “I suppose we’re used to it by this point,” VictoriaTuel casually replies.

    “The standard schedule is 8-3 pm, however, the staff doesn’t really like getting up that early, so the first hour is more of a self-study.” westpancake shares

    “I self-study sleeping,” coop925 chuckles.

    “There are a few classes offered in the evening such as astronomy and arithmancy, but those are only for those who request them. Occasionally herbology as well, but that’s because certain plants can only be harvested under the moonlight. Or on the rare occasion, fighting evil by moonlight. Winning love by daylight.” TayaCurragh mused.

    After eating a delicious meal accompanied by good music and company, the Ilvermorny students accompanied the Beauxbatons students to some of their classes. No explosions from the Ilvermorny students, reflecting well on the lessons from their faculty. At days end the students are invited to the gardens to view the palace at evening twilight. The reflecting sunlight has scattered and is reflected in the clouds above. The brightest celestial objects can now be observed by the naked eye.

    “Good evening everyone! Today Professor Bernard has so graciously allowed us to examine Beauxbatons Abraxan Horses! “ HM Jgundz states while walking over to the stables with the flock of Ilvermornians.

    Bernard smiled and opens the paddock to the horses. “This is an Abraxan Horse. They were the ones pulling the carriage earlier.”

    These red-eyed massive palamino looking horses snorted at the intrusion of unwelcome visitors.
    “These winged horses are related to the thestral and aethonan. Their larger than your normal horse. More similar to an elephant in height,” Professor Bernard continued while looking up.

    “These horses particularly like their liquor, and will be your best friend after you give them some,” Professor rbratt Handing out bottles of single malt whiskey bottles to feed to the horses.

    “We know someone else who is like that,” NelsonKatelyn whispered chuckling while nodding at a particular faculty member.

    “These horses each have their own classification with the Ministry. Belle here is a XXXX while Charlie is a sweetheart XX.”

    As evening turns to night the students of Ilvermorny are escorted back to their portkey.

    “It was lovely meeting you and seeing Beauxbatons. It lives up to the reputation.” Professor zindroth gushed.

    “Of course we’ll send you letters from our ravens!” wind_luver and MzManiak replied to two Beauxbatons students.

    “It seems like our students got along well with the Beauxbatons students.” Professor kiri nodded.

    “Hopefully they’ll get along just as well with the other schools,” HM jgundz chuckled.
  • jgundz
    jgundz Posts: 2,735 Member
    Week 3: So, where to next?

    Beauxbatons was fun, but you are excited to where adventures will take you next. The duel maester had mentioned that where we were going next were going to be great duelists - particularly in martial magic.

    “I swear I have no idea how it got to be such a mess so quickly,” mpea1 said.

    “Who knew having a shragon would leave wool everywhere,” BeeQueen2016 animatedly asked.

    “Hah! Wool? Try the merkitty on for size! I love the little wet furball but the water puddles…” DanielleFayeS laughed.

    Walking towards the magical creatures play area random balls, sticks, and toys are lying about.

    “When did they get all of those toys!?!?” 220Dani asked

    “They give out those sad shagon and merkitty eyes, and people will give them anything!” Spirit_Samurai exclaimed.

    “Ok, let’s straighten this place out...and maybe declutter it a bit too…” DixieHealty2015

    After straightening out the toys and random clutter, the students mosey to the main hall area to get ready to portkey to their next location.

    “So, exciting! Where are we going to this time?” hapamama23 asks.

    “Grab on to this portkey and we’ll see. We’re going via two portkeys again, and will meet our guides at the 1st key.” Professor rbratt instructed.

    “Alright everyone, please grab the jar of butter.” Professor zindroth states.

    “Butter?”rusgolden asks.

    “Butter.” Professor zindroth nods.

    “I tried to get them to use a piece of jerky, but, they told me no.” Professor kiri chuckled.

    Grabbing the jar of butter, you feel a pull at your navel. You arrive at a cold shoreline.

    “Come on everyone, the next portkey is going to be a bit of a walk.” HM jgundz shouts.

    “Why couldn’t they make the next portkey here?” ariecpotter asks puzzledly.

    “This school is a tad more secretive as to their location.” Yume notes pointing at the raven watching and circling around them.

    “They use Ravens like we do at Ilvermorny it seems,” westpancake notes.

    “It’s like one of Odin’s eyes just watching us,” wind_luver chuckles as everyone continues to walk.

    Finally arriving at their destination, the professors look around a tad puzzled.

    “The portkey should be right here. They said that it would be a chest at this exact location.” Professor rbratt notes.

    “Was there any special code for this portkey?” Professor Kiri inquires

    “None that the Headmaster noted. Just that we should arrive at this exact location and grab the chest.” HM jgundz explained.

    As suddenly as she had spoke, a man with fur lined robes had popped in front of them with wand pointed at them and quickly cast a memory charm on the group knocking everyone unconscious.

    “Renervate,” you hear as you awaken at the castle grounds of another locale.

    “Nerida….you promised you wouldn’t do this,” HM JGundz gruffly spat.

    “Now, HM, I will do whatever to protect my students, and the location of of my school. And I kept my promise.” Nerida replied.

    “Nerida, the promise was that you would not do a memory charm on us and knock us out to get us here. That was literally the promise that was made.” HM states standing up dusting the dirt from her cloak.

    “Now, now, I did keep my promise, I did not, nor did any of my people, do a memory charm on you and knock you unconscious. I contracted Harfang for that.” HM Nerida quipped.

    “You’ve gotta appreciate the ability to apply loopholes here at Durmstrang,” yumesoraki chuckled.

    Looking around, you note that the castle is four stories tall. Ice capped mountains surround the castle with fjords providing the only entrances to the castle and grounds. No students seem to be up and about at the moment.

    “Where are all of the students,” PeaceJoyHope asks.

    “Oh, well it is 1 am right now, so they are likely asleep.” HM Nerida replies casually.

    “You had us come here at 1 am?!?!” katsheare asks loudly

    “I think the better question is why is the sun out at 1 am,” mrmcgrath questions.

    Smiling broadly, HM Nerida chuckles. “Welcome to the land of the midnight sun. The sun will not set until July.”

    Like a prolonged sunset and sunrise all at once, this natural phenomena colours heaven and earth in a reddish yellow light.

    “My students should be awake in an hour. We prefer to have our hours a bit different when the midnight sun is about. If you would like some space to work on some coursework while you wait, we have space in the main hall.” HM Nerida states.

    Going into the castle, you notice that the aesthetic is a bit austere. The appearance implies discipline and restraint. Quite different from the glittering Beauxbatons and comfortable Ilvermorny.

    Peering into the suggested room you note hard wooden benches with minimal space allowed for frivolity.

    “This feels a bit uncomfortable,” betsyw686 notes

    “Meh, it’s ok. It’s a learning space not their dorm spaces which is probably somewhat restricted, but comfortable.” the313 states

    “It probably allows you to focus more on things like duels and DADA. I mean Durmstrang is very well known for their skills in DADA.” NelsonKatelyn explains.

    “And you would be right,” a student clad in black turtleneck with a long black coat quips, “we are the best in DADA. I am Dragan. The best DADA student in our class is Boyka. She can cast the most brilliant patronus that you have ever seen.”

    “Now, Dragan, you make me blush,” a petite blonde laughs whilst walking into the room. “Is Rada up to lead the drills this morning?”

    “Did Donka not wake her up? You know how she gets sleep lag.” Boyka groans.

    “I am here, I am here,” a tall broad shouldered brunette states running in. “Donka, was gone this morning. Apparently she spent the night with Kostadin studying for the exams in two days and they both fell asleep.”

    “Not apparently fell asleep, we did fall asleep,” the ruffled pair states walking in.

    As the remainder of the students file into place, the Ilvermorny students are invited to participate in some of the morning drills that the Durmstrang students engage in.

    Upon completion of the drills, you feel pumped for the day. To start the day the students travel to the twilight gardens to start an herbology lesson. The lesson begins with a lively discussion to the usage of certain plants in potions and salves.

    Finishing herbology the students, move on to breakfast. A very simple, yet hearty meal of oatmeal is provided.

    “Yeah, when we’re done here, we’re moving on to Charms.” Donka nods.

    “Why do you do a class before breakfast, and then another class,” GrandmaJackie asks.

    “There are certain herbs, for herbology, that need to be harvested at certain times of night. Right now we have the midnight sun reigning in the sky, but it keeps things consistent for other times of the year. Good for structure. Most of us, are awake before this drinking our coffee and tea.” the stout Kostadin notes.

    “Ah, so that’s why there was no coffee or tea at breakfast, as you’ve already drank it.” ariecpotter noted sadly.

    The group of Durmstrang students nod emphatically.
    Moving onward to the charms room, the Durmstrang students begin to place their wands inside of their robes. Noting the odd looks, Boyka replies, “ today is wandless charms practice.”

    “And now , for my favorite class….DADA!” Boyka exclaims. “AND today is a short day, so there’s no double classes today, so that means I can work on Duelling practice.”

    “Boyka, here is trying to set up a duelling league between the schools. Has already had Hogwarts and Beauxbatons turn the offer down. They think the Triwizard Tournament is enough. ” Dragan comments.

    “Dragan, it is not enough. There are other schools where we could prove that we are the best. And that tournament only lets one person from each school compete. It does not help our duelling skills to only compete with each other. What if there are other duelling styles? How will we be able to be prepared and combat this?” Boyka irritatedly says as she throws a rock at Dragan’s head as he quickly dodges.

    “I don’t think you’ll have that issue with Ilvermorny,” 6andromeda9 states

    “We like duelling,” bdbchick continues

    “Especially competitive duelling,” workmani finishes.

    “We’re pretty sure the staff would have very little issue with competitive duelling. I mean they’ve accepted a fisticuffs challenge from Beauxbatons earlier” velvet_moon ponders aloud.

    As time elapses with the never moving sun illuminating the sky, it is time to go home, as the students of Ilvermorny are escorted back to their portkey that goes directly back to Ilvermorny.

    “No tricks this time HM Nerida.” HM jgundz reminds her old friend.

    “Now, there never was any tricks. You just happened to miss a line in the text, and the location of my school shall remain secret.” HM Nerida laughs.

    Grabbing the portkey you are whisked back to Ilvermorny in time for the day’s final lesson of CoMC.

    HM jgundz gathered all the students and ghosts in the Great Hall for their CoMC lesson with a broad smile on her face.

    “Ok everyone” she said softly. “First I’m going to ask that we all quiet down and stay calm for today’s lesson. Today’s creature is on the shy side, to the point where many of you probably didn’t know we had one in the castle.” The group all sat at nearby tables, and on the floor so everyone could see. “Now, rather than telling you solely about imps in general, I’m proud to introduce your fellow student Katsheare to introduce you to our imp, as she has been spending a lot of time with him, and getting him acclimated to our Ilvermorny family.” Katsheare stood and made her way over to jgundz.

    “Before I introduce you to our imp I wanted to share his story, or at least what I know of it. I’m not sure where he came from, or how he got to Ilvermorny, especially with all the magical creature hijinks of the past terms, however I am pretty sure it is a ‘he’. The imp does not know why he's here, or really how he got here either. When pressed, he'll say 'It was dark,' and change the subject. When asked where he comes from, his response is almost always simply 'Home.' Now you probably want to know his name, however I am not sure of it. He changes the name he provides as often as once an hour. However the most recent name he’s given me is Kingston Michaelbury Dannery the Third, or KD for short.” Katsheare smiled as she continued. “Previous names include Hopewell, Bumtickle, Ace and Yomamma.” skinnyminikendra raised their hand hesitantly. Katsheare nodded at them.

    “How have you learned all of this?” skinnyminikendra asked.

    “Our school demiguise Kazuki seems to understand KD well. The imp calms down in the demiguise's presence and it's been in those moments that I’ve actually been able to learn some of his personality. They play quiet games, connecting imaginary dots to make pictures of the people and things around Ilvermorny. KD's favourite pastimes seem to include rearranging small things it's collected on various surfaces around the school, setting up practical jokes that never seem to actually work, and flinging whatever he can find as far as it can, bogeys are a favorite so watch out.” This caused a number of students to giggle.

    “I’m going to have Kat bring KD out so you can all see him, however please remain calm as Kazuki is with him and we all know how jumpy he can be.” HM jgundz explained. Katsheare left the room and came back shortly with Kazuki and a small pixie like creature who looked a bit scared, but also excited and full of energy. Jgundz continued quietly as the class watched KD. “Imp’s are a class XX Beast, mainly found in Britain and Ireland, which is why it is confusing that he has found his way here. The height of the Imp is considered comparable to that of the pixie, between six to eight inches, but that is where the physical similarities end. The Imp's diet consists mainly of insects. Now I know you probably want to get to know KD. I ask that you try not to overwhelm him, and get to know him in small groups with Kat overseeing your visit as he trusts her.”
  • jgundz
    jgundz Posts: 2,735 Member
    Week 4: A new rhythm…

    After quite the interesting visit to Durmstrang, the students were curious as to where they would go to next. Students were making bets on the next location.

    “I place 10 sickles on Hogwarts. I mean it’s the next one in Europe,” Skinnyminikendra said with a flip of their hair.

    “Nah, I’ve got 10 on Castelbruxo,” Idwilso confidently replied.

    HM JGundz walks through the castle a tad disheveled with a few brightly colored feathers sticking out of her hair.

    “Ran into one of the local animals I take it,” Professor Zindroth chuckled.

    “Oh, those birds are absolutely beautiful, but there were so many that I must have taken a few of their colorful feathers with me,” HM JGundz replied.

    “Wanted to make sure there was nothing wrong with the portkey ahead of time for this go around?” coop925 questioned.

    HM JGundz nodded.

    “Alright everyone, let’s put those wands away inside your robes. Where we’re going they’re going to be less necessary. This is going to be a long port, so we’re going to use a small rope to attach each of you to the portkey” Professor Rbratt06 said as she smiled cheerfully.

    “Ready everyone, in 3, 2, 1…” you feel a pull at your navel.

    You arrive near a set of mountains shrouded in mist. It appears as though the mountain is floating in mid-air.

    A zebra approaches your group and appears to transform into a human! A zebra that can only mean you are in…

    “Uagadou! YES! I win!” Gutcutter500 exclaims taking 10 sickles from Idwilso and Skinnyminikendra.

    “Created an algorithm to calculate where next?” katsheare asked.

    Gutcutter500 nodded happily, “well, that’s a Horned Serpent for you.”

    Chuckling at the excitement of the student, the animagus introduces themself.

    “I am Aba, and behind me in the trees is Chioke,” as a young man drops down from the tree. “We will be your guides to reach the top of the mountain.”

    “You are ready for a climb?” Aba asks.

    Looking up at the very tall mountain, you wish that maybe there was a shortcut.

    Chioke laughs at the expression of the Ilvermorny students. “No, no. We’re not climbing up that. We’re taking the shortcut,” guiding you to walk to an entrance at the base of the mountain.

    Going through the base of the mountain you find that you have arrived at the misty mountain-top that you were at the base of a moment ago. Welcome to the Mountains of the Moon.

    “Are the students in Alchemy right now?” Chioke asks.

    “No, but they will be in a few minutes. Why don’t you go join the students for this class?” Aba directs at the fellow Ilvermornians.

    Walking to the classroom...

    “Alchemy? I thought that was only offered at the N.E.W.T level,” razzmic asks.

    “Nah, we start with alchemy in year one here. Alchemy is the study of the basic elements and how to transmute substances. Provides better foundational knowledge.” interjects a student.

    “Nah, Naija only likes alchemy because you want to be able to transmute any food into your favorite food,” a sturdy short male student replies.

    “Yeah, and Zesiro here just wants to turn everything into gold and make lots of money.” Naija counters.

    “Well, do you blame me?” Zesiro laughs.

    Following Alchemy, it is time for Charms. You notice in this classroom, that none of the students have wands out. “Another wandless Charms assignment? I guess that’s why we practiced a wandless workout last week,” murdog3t quietly said with a smile.

    “How are you going to charm an object without a wand?” Stephaniejones1055 asks.

    Chioke points at an object and says an enchantment turning a goblet into a mouse.

    “We just point or use hand gestures. Wands are really more of a European invention. Yes it can help channel your energy but it’s not necessary for us at this point unless if we want to complete some rather complicated magics. It also gives us a little lee-way too when accused of breaking the International Statute of Secrecy. ‘I was only waving, I never meant his chin to fall off’,’” Chioke chortles.

    “I’m interested in how they do their transfiguration coursework,” whitefire78 pondered out loud.

    Looking in the transfiguration classroom, which was really more of a gazebo of sorts, you note that there are quite a few animals and humans seemingly transfiguring back and forth into each other.

    Smiling broadly, Aba begins to tell you of the self-transfiguration process.

    “Yes, you know there is a competition for Animagi? We do well at the International Symposium of Animagi. Our team always places,” Aba says as the students in the classroom cheer.

    “Typically in first from what I’ve heard,” westpancake notes.

    “Yep,” Aba replies smiling broadly.

    “Yeah but the older wizards were a bit threatened and lodged a complaint with the International Confederation of Wizards,” Zesiro says while rolling his eyes. “Goodness forbid should a teenager be able to turn into a cheetah or elephant while you can only turn into a gerbil.”

    “Ilvermorny has a few animagi, but not nearly to the extent of what you have here. We don’t begin with that type of training typically until there is a strong grasp of normal transfiguration,” Spirit_Samurai states looking around at the variety of animals that individuals are turning into.

    “Nor really these types of animals,” fourathomej added.

    “What kinds of creatures do you turn into?” Zesiro says while cocking his head sideways.

    “Well, there’s no cheetahs, elephants, or zebras,” HM JGundz remarked.

    “Not yet,” Professor Kiri grinned at the students, “I suppose there’s nothing like a good proper demo of our transfiguration skills. Let’s see, Professor Tahm, mrmcgrath, hapamama23, BeeQueen2016, and Maester Yume, if you would be so kind.”

    Nodding excitedly, the group made their way to the front of the classroom.

    To begin, Professor Tahm created a small pool of water with a few balls inside as she jumped in, morphing into a dolphin! She began to play tossing the balls up in the air and sounding her signature whistle.

    “Interesting! A water creature. I don’t think we’ve seen one of those here yet!” Aba gushed excitedly.

    “Oh! My turn,” hapamama23 excitedly chirped! Hapamam23 shrunk down to the size of a tiny bird, a brilliantly colored hummingbird. And it looks as if the hummingbird has decided to fly out of the window and play with some other colorful birds up in the trees buzzing around excitedly.

    “I’m next,” BeeQueen2016 sang as she shrunk down to the size of a medium sized dog. Oh, a cute little beagle. The beagle barked happily at the students as Zesiro took a stick and threw it causing BeeQueen2016 to run after it! “I guess some animal habits really are ingrained.” Seeing all the fun, mrmcgrath suddenly cast her patronus, a basset hound, and watched it gleefully play with BeeQueen2016.

    And...Wand Maester Yume grew in size sporting white and black fur. The panda decided to try to find a hill and roll down it.

    “Yeah, I never understood the whole reason why Prof Yume turned into a panda while her patronus is a raven,” Professor Zindroth noted while the aforementioned panda rolled around on the ground.

    “It’s uncommon for them not to be the same, however not unheard of I suppose,” HM Jgundz posits.

    “Typically a person’s patronus and animagi have certain meanings that are reflective of the individual. Take the hummingbird for example. Individuals with this creature are typically very bright and cheerful, where a beagle would be inquisitive, focused, free spirits that enjoy being part of a tight group, yet still manage to be themselves. Beagles just have to be themselves and there’s nobody out there that can stop them permanently,” Teresa_QueenSugarplum hummed.

    “Yeah, and having a dolphin would be those who are typically very social and intellectual, smart, and quick witted,” bdbchick nodded looking over at the playing dolphin.

    “What about a panda?” Idwilso inquired.

    “People with a panda are typically resourceful and good at using whatever is around them. I mean they use their wrist like a hand to grip bamboo. Also, they’re rather silly and playful, so that might reflect the dual nature of our Wand Maester,” westpancake stated, looking up from her notes on animagi.

    “The Animagus spell is apparently an enabling spell, that allows the transformation to be made at will. What little information we have leads us to believe that the Animagus form is fixed once the spell is cast, while the Patronus can change due to life changes; both the Patronus and the Animagus forms reflect the personality at the time the spell was cast, but the Patronus spell is cast repeatedly, while the Animagus is generally performed only once,” rikkejohnsenrj quipped. “I’m personally more focused on perfecting my Patronus’ form, a marsh harrier.”

    I thought you were an animagi, Spirit_Samurai? You’re working on the spell frequently in the common room,” Professor Kiri questioned.

    “I am, but I want it to be perfected before demonstrating to others,” Spirit_Samuari replied confidently.

    Following the demonstration of Ilvermorny’s transfiguration skills, the students decided to gather around one of the trees to learn about a magical creature native to Africa.

    “Good evening everyone! Today Professor Babajide has so graciously allowed us to examine Uagadou’s Fwoopers,“ HM Jgundz states while pointing up into the trees. “You may recognize their colorful feathers from the ones that were on my robe earlier,” she chuckled.

    Babajide smiles and puts a finger out that a Fwooper lands on. “These birds can have orange, pink, lime green, and yellow feathers. However that is not their main claim to fame.”

    Babajide removed a charm on the area.

    A high pitched twittering song was heard. “The little birds here will sing this twittering song, and sing the song some more. They never stop…we need to place a silencing charm on the area that has to be reinforced monthly to not drive the students insane. There are areas where they can chirp and twitter on freely, so worry not,” he said.

    “Their feathers make wonderful quills that we’ve gathered for each of you as a parting gift today,” he continued, handing each of the students a feather to take home.

    Fwooper’s are a xxx classification according to the ministry.

    After interacting with the colorful Fwoopers, feathers in your hair and robes, it is time to return to Ilvermorny. Excited at the time you spent at Uagdou, you place your hands on the portkey ready to return and get a good night's rest.

    However, the night is not done quite yet. You need to complete your Herbology assignment, and this one needs a bit of night time cosmic light, and to of course prepare for the next destination.
  • jgundz
    jgundz Posts: 2,735 Member
    Week 5: Across a different kind of ocean…

    Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you awaken with excitement to make your way to the next location on the grand quest that is the magical school tours.

    Maester Yume is bounding through the halls excitedly to go to wherever this location is.

    “I can get some special wood from here! Oh, and the creatures, the gameskeeper told me I could sample some for cores!” Yume giggled.

    “How long have you been up?” ariecpotter questionned while pouring a cup of coffee.

    “I think I was up at 4? Maybe it was earlier. You know I was just so excited that I couldn’t really sleep. Maybe I should drink some coffee,” grabbing at the coffee.

    “Maybe you should have some tea instead with how energized you are already,” wind_luver pushing a green tea into her hands instead.

    Laughing at the scene Professor rbratt gathered the students into the main area to be transported to their first location.

    “Make sure you have your brooms with you for this trip,” Quidditch coach Ariecpotter shouted, “you’ll need it for this place.”

    Grabbing a jade encrusted cups, you feel a pull at your navel.

    You hear steam hissing nearby. Looking around you appear to be near the top of a volcanic outcropping. The weather feels rather pleasant. Pink blossoms float around you as a petite woman in a gold robe approaches you.

    “Konnichiwa! Welcome to Mahoutokoro! I am the headmistress Sachi. Please do join me to the palace.

    Walking up the hill you approach a beautiful palace. The palace is carved from mutton fat jade.

    “Wow look at those!” mrmcgrath says pointing upward overhead at the large flying birds.

    “What are those?” Gutcutter500 questions curiously.

    “Those are giant storm petrels. While some of our students board here at school, there are some students who prefer to go home at the end of the day. The giant storm petrels fly our day students back and forth to their homes every day.” HM Sachi replies with a smile.

    Approaching the palace you note the ornate bas relief carvings of magical creatures in the wall enchanted to interact with the students pointing them in the direction of classes or just chatting.

    “Why are their robes different colors. I see quite a few pinks but other colors as well. Maybe two other gold robes like yours headmistress Sachi.” rusgolden asked

    “Yuki-chan, why don’t you explain the robes to our guests while I set up for today’s first lesson.” Sachi instructed the small boy in the faint pink robe.

    “Of course Sachi-sensei, the students are provided a robe when they arrive here at Mahoutokoro when they are seven years old. The robe grows with them and changes color as they progress and excel through their coursework. Everyone starts out pink like the cherry blossoms around us. They progress similar to a belt system, if you would similar to one of the martial arts, to finally become gold if top grades are achieved in every magical subject they complete. However, if you see a white robe….” Yuki paused.

    “Is white bad?” rikkejohnsenrij questioned cocking their head.

    “White is very bad...it’s a disgrace. It means the student has betrayed the Japanese wizard’s code and adopted illegal practices. I think you call them Dark magic or they have broken the International Statute of Secrecy. To ‘turn white’ is a terrible disgrace, which results in instant expulsion from the school and trial at the Japanese Ministry for Magic. I’ve seen it once, and the family disowned him.” Yuki shuddered, “but it’s such a rarity here honestly. Let’s go get a snack before we have our first class. Does that sound good?”

    “That sounds excellent!” DanielleFayeS said excitedly.

    Walking up to the counter the man behind the glass asks,
    “So, you wanna try some, Kappa ebisen, Onigiri, Korokke, Inago no Tsukudani?”

    Most of the students look blankly at the man.

    Yuki says, “ shrimp chips, rice snack with stuffing, deep fried croquette, and locusts boiled in soy sauce and sugar. The Korokke is my favorite personally.”

    “May I have a plain onigiri, please” Maester Yume calls out.

    “Hey, Tanaka-san, what’s today’s first class,” Yuki calls out to to a taller girl in a pink robe.

    “Today’s first class is Transfiguration, and then it’ll be Charms directly after, Yuki-san. They’re both being held outside today in the gardens.” Tanaka replied while walking in the direction of the garden.

    After Transfiguration class ends the students more straight into their Charms lesson.

    After Charms class the Ilvermorny students follow Tanaka over by the ocean.

    “Is that your quidditch pitch?” VictoriaTuel asked pointing to what appeared to be quidditch hoops pointing out of the water.

    “Yes, that is where we practice and compete in quiddich. However since we are so close to the no-maj military base we have to work quickly.” Tanaka explained.

    “You must be very good to work that quickly and inconspicuously.” katsheare said in awe staring at the waves below the hoops.

    “Thank you, that is very kind to say.” Tanaka said.

    “Now while we’re at the oceanside, we will be conducting our herbology assignment.” Tanaka instructed.

    “What a peaceful place for herbology.” Professor Zind stated happily making a mental note to have herbology by the lake more often.

    “Wow that was so relaxing!” gawworthington said as they left herbology.

    “Ok now students, please listen to Sensei Sachi for this week’s Care of Magical Creatures lesson. She has offered to teach us about a creature from Japanese folklore.” HM jgundz instructed. The students all got quiet and looked to the Sensei for instruction.

    kitsune_kasa_by_flameraven__67490.1481143061.490.588.jpg?c=2Art by MoonSpiritBoutique.

    “Today I will be teaching you about the Kitsune. In case you didn't know Kitsune is our word for what you would call a fox.” Sensei Sachi said. “Kitsune are believed to possess superior intelligence, long life, and magical powers. It is said that they are able to transfigure themselves into human form, an ability learned when it reaches a certain age—usually 100 years, although some tales say 50. Common forms assumed by kitsune include beautiful women, young girls, elderly men, and even young boys. As a common prerequisite for the transformation, the fox must place reeds, a leaf, or a skull over its head.”

    “That’s like how to become an animagi you must place a Mandrake leaf on your tongue!” BeeQuen2016 stated excitedly. Yume shivered at the memory.

    “Yes, very good.” Sensei Sachi said, smiling at HM jgundz. “Your students are well studied.” HM jgundz smiled proudly.

    “Unfortunately we cannot tell you the classsification on the kitsune as the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures has not given it one.” HM jgundz explained.
  • jgundz
    jgundz Posts: 2,735 Member
    edited July 2018
    Week 6 : Marañón

    You awaken to the birds chirping outside of your window. Wait, never mind that’s the alarm from your room mate. You quite enjoyed your trip to Mahoutokoro. There are only two trips left for the term, and then it shall be time for summer vacation. You ponder if they give out summer homework as you make your way to the main entrance hall to prepare for the trip to the next locale.

    “Alright everyone gather around,” Professor RBratt06 bubbled. Apparently this location was a place that made the research professor quite excited.

    “Excited Professor?” stephaniejones1055 asked chuckling.

    “Oh, you have no idea how excited I am to go to the next place! So much stuff there that I could use in my research.” Professor RBratt06 replied with a smile.

    Rolling her eyes, “Ok, everyone, do you have your wands, cloaks, and herbology materials?” Professor Zind called out.

    A series of nods and yes’s permeated the room.

    “Well, then, shall we?” Professor Zind said while pointing to a small statue in the middle of the room.

    You feel a pull at your navel.

    Green. The word to describe the area around you is green. And good mercy what is that humidity? And rain?

    “Greetings! I am Aimoré. I am here to escort you to your destination,” a young tan boy calls out waving you in his direction.

    Looking around you appear to be in a magnificent broad-leafed rainforest. Tall narrow straight trees surround you. Hanging from these narrow branches are vines giving you the impression of trees growing from every angle as your guide cuts through the vegetation.

    Upon closer inspection you notice that the vines appear to be like a road for ants carrying large leaf fragments. Most likely back to their nest. Looking forward you

    Aimoré guides you to a nearby waterway. “This will be the fastest route. Trust me you don’t want to stay in the green part of the forest for too long.”

    Getting into the boat, you make your way onto the waterway assisting with the rowing. Colorful parrots fly across your path, highlighted by the light blue sky.

    “Wow, that’s pretty,” rikkejohnsenrij states pointing at the colorful butterflies flying across the river as some nearby monkeys are throwing twigs at you.

    “Ok, we get it, we’re going!” ldwilso groans.

    A few of the students have their hands in the water attempting to cool off from the warm day.

    “I wouldn’t put your hands in the water if I were you,” Aimoré calls out while tossing a hunk of meat several yards away.

    Bubbles emerge from the site appearing bloody. “Yeah, flesh eating piranhas. Almost forgot about those,” Professor RBratt06 ponders outloud as several students pull their hands out of the water.

    Arriving at a new shore line, you peer up a steep incline. In front of you is an imposing square edifice of golden rock. A temple of sorts maybe?

    “Ah, welcome to Castelobruxo!” a short stout woman with raven colored hair calls out kissing HM JGundz on the cheek.

    “Headmistress Benedita Dourado, thank you for inviting us to visit your school.” HM JGundz replies with a smile.

    “This place is lovely,” wind_luver says

    “Wow, I mean it’s made of gold!” Teresa_QueenSugarplum

    “I’m guessing with all of this flora and fauna you guys must be experts in herbology and magizoology?” BeeQueen2016 querries.

    “Yes, our school is particularly advanced in herbology and magizoology to the point that we host exchange programmes for students from European wizarding schools, but we’re looking to expand that,” HM Dourado replied with a wink.

    “Let me introduce you to two of my teaching assistants who are in their last terms here. This is Libatius and João,” pointing to two students in bright green robes.

    “Reminds me of Slytherin green in a way,” westpancake ponders outloud.

    “Welcome to Castelobruxo, we are on our way to a quick defense against the dark arts course,” Libatius a young male with a Portuguese accent spoke.
    “And then it’s off to Charms and Potions,” João a person who appeared to be indigenous to the area.

    Making your way to the DADA classroom the lesson for the day is underway!

    Concluding the DADA course, you make your way outside.

    “This institution is just as old as...what’s that European school that people reference all the time?” João calls out.

    “Hogwarts, Durmstrang, Beauxbatons?” talhonjik replies

    “Ah, right, Hogwarts. Our school is just as old as that one. The school was founded by the people native to these lands. Anyone in South America can learn here. However, this area was colonized at the start of the 16th century by the Portuguese. So there is a bit of a mix of magical styles because of this. The school didn’t have an official name prior to the Portuguese arriving, and then the name Castelobruxo was applied. Some of the old native nicknames for the place went away with Maquis of Pombal’s ban of indigenous languages,” João grumbles.

    “Ah, but we ignore that rule mostly, don’t we. Makes it easier to get away with things!” Libatius chuckles. Libatius continues, “Headmistress has half of her lectures in her indigenous tongue in one of the Tupian languages, so we needed to learn that early on. Several other students come in speaking Arawakan and Pano-tacanan, but most lessons are in Portuguese still.”

    Oh, look it’s the Charms classroom.

    “What type of potions do you guys focus on,” GrandmaJackie inquired.

    “We tend to focus on things that may be a bit different from what you focus on. More focus on the properties of the plants and how to best use them. We’ve used lapacho and tawari tree bark to help with healing potions, and pusangade motelo in calming drafts.” HM Dourado replies popping out of the corner.

    As the day winds to a close,

    “Ok now students, please listen to HM Dourado for this week’s Care of Magical Creatures lesson. She has offered to teach us about the creature defending the Castelobruxo grounds.” HM jgundz instructed. The students all got quiet and looked to the HM for instruction.

    “ The Caipora is an entity of the Tupi-Guarani in Brazil. The word “Caipora” comes from tupi and means “inhabitant of the forest they are small and furry spirit-beings who are extraordinarily mischievous. Native to the Amazon rainforest, they protect the grounds of Castelobruxo wizarding school, emerging under cover of night to watch over the students and the creatures that live in the forest. Their propensity for mischief is, however, potentially disruptive to school life. I offered to send some Caipora to Hogwarts Castle when Headmaster Dippet complained complained of Peeves, the resident poltergeist at Hogwarts. They’d show him what trouble really is,” HM Dourado laughed heartily.

    “Caipora are classified as spirit-beings which is a sub-classification of spirits, similar to how boggarts are sub-classification of non-being spirits. Spirits are handled by Level 4 of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. ” HM jgundz explained.

    As the sun begins to set, it is time to return to Ilvermorny. Professor RBratt06 is laden with a variety of plants with ka97, betsyw686, and Razzmic assisting with carrying some of the load while Wand Maester Yume makes plans to complete a summer research venture at Castelobruxo for more wand experiments.

    It seems that there is only one place left after this. And we know you know where it is…..
  • jgundz
    jgundz Posts: 2,735 Member
    Week 7: Where it all began...and Finals?

    “Alright Ilvermornians, I hope you’ve enjoyed your travels this term.” HM jgundz states as the group assembles in front of the school to catch the portkey to their final school. “I’m guessing many of you can guess where we’re going for finals this week.” The group was a bit fidgety with a mix of excitement and anxiety. “I can sense some nerves from some of our founding members. I want to assure you it will be fine. If you remember William kindly travelled to Hogwarts to clear our names many years ago.”

    “I’m so excited to show off the souvenirs we got while we were traveling this term.” hapamama23 whispered to those around them. There was hushed agreement.

    “Ok now everyone! Gather into your portkey groups and here we go!” Professor rbratt said.

    You feel the now familiar pull at your navel…

    The group finds themselves in a small town.

    “I hadn’t realized how much I missed Hogsmeade.” coop925 mumbled aloud.

    “You’ve been here?” Gutcutter500 questioned as the group started walking down the street. As they walked a grand castle came into view not far away.

    “We used to go to school here.” Wand Maester Yume stated, glancing around.

    “Why would you leave?” rikkejohnsenrij asked.

    “We didn’t have a choice.” tmeadows_08 mumbled.

    “Now, now, all the ugliness of the past is just that, in the past.” HM jgundz stated. “Headmaster Spectre invited us back with open arms then, and the invitation to visit is in the same spirit. Those that would like to learn more about what happened during the founding of Ilvermorny can do so by reading Ilvermorny: A History.”

    Unnoticed by those that were talking the group had walked up to a large gate. “Well said Headmistress.” an aging wizard said from behind the gate. With a wave of his hand the gates opened.

    “Hello Headmaster.” HM jgundz said, “Good to see you again, especially in such happy times.” The Headmaster smiled.

    “Well I imagine that walk left you all hungry. You’ve arrived at the perfect time, lunch has been served in the Great Hall!” HM Spectre announced. There was a rumbling of agreement as he led the group up to the castle and into their Great Hall.

    Upon entering the Great Hall you notice it is different from the hall back at Ilvermorny where things are mixed. It appears the different houses are separated into tables. As the group disperses to find open seats you notice the tables are laden with a wide variety of fruits and veggies.

    After a healthy lunch a group of students offers to give the Ilvemornian group a tour of the castle and grounds. As the group is walking down a hallway full of classrooms there is a large crash causing the group to jump.

    “Don’t worry, that’s just Peeves.” one of the Hogwarts students, named Eleanor, explains.

    “Who is Peeves?” Daniercc asks. Just as the question leaves their mouth a poltergeist flys through the nearby wall.

    “That is Peeves.” Professor tahm explains. “The troublemaker of Hogwarts that HM Dourado mentioned last week at Castelobruxo.”

    “Oh! New faces! But these aren’t ickle firsties.” Peeves cackled.

    “Leave them be Peeves.” Eleanor stated. Peeves pouted before flying away. The group continued their tour of the castle and grounds.

    That afternoon while sitting by the large lake on the grounds katsheare, TayaCurragh, and junodog1 were talking about their many travels during the term.

    “And when we went to Mahoutokoro I got this awesome tea set!” katsheare explained, digging through her bag to find it. “Where is it?!”

    “Are you sure you packed it?” TayaCurragh asked.

    “Yes! I checked right before we left!” katsheare said as they dumped their bag on the ground.

    “My Fwooper feather quills are gone too!” junodog1 said looking in their own bag.

    “So are my healing potions from Castelobruxo!” TayaCurragh exclaimed. “We need to tell the professors!” The group got up from their spot by the lake and ran to the castle. They found the professors talking to some Hogwarts professors in the Great Hall.

    “Headmistress!!” katsheare called. All the professors looked their way. “Our souvenirs from this term are gone!”

    “What?” HM jgundz asked, looking from each out of breath student to the next.

    “We brought our souvenirs from the other schools with us this week to show them to the Hogwarts students.” junodog1 explained.

    “And now we can’t find them!” TayaCurragh piped in.

    “That sounds like Peeves.” Professor rbratt said. The Hogwarts professors nodded in agreement. One of the professors summoned Peeves. Who appeared giggling.

    “Peeves, where did you put the visitors belongings?” HM Spectre asked sternly. Peeves giggled in response. “Peeves, you will either answer to me, or to the Bloody Baron, take your pick.” Peeves instantly stopped giggling.

    “I took them, I did. And with them I hid.
    While you may find it a hassle, you will find them around the castle” Peeves stated.

    “Don’t tell me…” Jenk1981 started.

    “Before we said adieu, I will give you a hint. In ways it’s a clue, the first item you will find behind something that glints.” Peeves said proudly and zoomed away.

    Looks like the entirety of Ilvermorny is up for another Scavenger hunt to find the missing souvenirs.

    “What glints?” velvet_moon asked.

    “Leave it to Peeves to be incredibly vague.” The313 said with an exasperated tone.

    “What about a trophy?” rusgolden suggested, “you can easily hide things behind a trophy.” The group nodded, and let Eleanor and her friends lead them to the trophy room.

    “Found something!” ka97 called after the group had been searching for a few minutes. ka97 held up a piece of paper. “It’s just a list of our missing items.” they said defeatedly.

    “Look there are instructions on the bottom.” NelsonKatelyn pointed out.
    Quite a term it looks like you’ve had,
    Don’t try magic to find these things, my hiding places are ironclad.
    Once you find one thing, the next clue will reveal.
    Let’s start with the item you got in Brazil

    Once that clue was read outloud the clue next to “Healing Potions from Castelobruxo” appeared on the list.
    To carry this many bottles, you need to be flexible.
    To find the ones you’re missing go to learn not all plants are edible.

    “The greenhouse!” a number of students shouted out.

    Once the group reached the greenhouse you found the healing potions sitting on one of the workbenches.

    “My potions!” TayaCurragh exclaimed happily scooping them into their bag. Once they touched them another clue appeared on the list.
    Now that you have your potions,
    move on we can,
    to the item from Japan.
    To find this set, you will need to go,
    To the pitch of a quaffle aficionado

    “Where is your Quidditch Pitch?” Flying Instructor ariecpotter asked the nearest Hogwarts student. The student gestured for the group to follow them and they all ran towards the grounds.

    When the group reached the quidditch pitch ShawnasieK pointed upwards. Hanging from one of the goal posts hung a bag. Spirit_Samurai grabbed a broom and flew to retrieve the object. Once they landed, they opened the bag to find the missing tea set. Once katsheare put the tea set in their bag the next clue appeared on the list.
    If you’re done playing games, we can move on in this song and dance.
    Next you’ll be searching for the item from France.
    Don’t knock over any coat of arms on your way to the classroom for ___________

    “That’s got to be Charms right?” rikkejohnsenrij suggested. There were a bunch of nods from the group before one of the Hogwarts students led the way back into the castle.

    When the group arrived at the Charms classroom there was a number of bottles sitting on the professor’s desk in the front of the room.

    “My liqueur!!” Wand Maester Yume called running to collect them. Once she had safely deposited the bottles in her bag she turned to face the group. “Don’t judge, this is rare abraxan liqueur the gamekeeper at Beauxbatons gifted me.” There were a number of laughs from the group, and those who knew the Wand Maester best just shook their heads.

    Looking to the list, the next clue had appeared.
    Where to go? Where to be? I know where I’d go If it were me!
    I’m bright but I’m not clever,
    Tell you where it is, I say never!
    I twinkle but I’m not an eye
    I’m sure you must be asking why?
    Where would you look at such a thing,
    To many astronomers, great joy they bring!

    “It’s got to be talking about the astronomy tower.” Eleanor said looking around the group of Ilvermornians surrounding her.

    “She’s right, it makes the most sense.” gawworthington said. They let Eleanor continue to lead them around the castle until they made their way to the astronomy tower.

    When the group entered the astronomy tower there sitting in the middle of the floor was the picture sugarshark92 had taken at Durmstrang of the midnight sun.

    “Oh I’m so relieved!” sugarshark92 said picking up their photo and placing it in their bag.

    Once the photo was safe in its place the next clue appeared:
    Ride, ride! You may cry!
    For this will be the last chance for me to say bye bye.
    Percheron, Brumby, and Dapple Grey
    The place where I am is where they say neigh

    “Are the stables still awfully far from here?” westpancake asked. All the Hogwarts students nodded.

    “Best get moving then.” wind_luver said. The group began the walk to

    As you enter the stables they appear empty. Hanging from one of the stalls is a bunch of brightly colored feather quills. junodog1 ran over to collect them.

    “Is that everything?” HM jgundz asked. Everyone seemed to be nodding.

    “Wait there is one more note on here!” ka97 said looking down at the paper in their hands.
    Ickle witches, oh you’ve been such fun.
    I can’t believe you made it this far, I guess you may have won.
    But I Peeves am never truly beat,
    For until next time, or until we meet.

    “Well that’s Peeves for you.” Wand Maester Yume said.

    “It’s good that we’re here however, we are just in time for a Care of Magical Creatures lesson!” Eleanor said excitedly. The group went back to the main part of the stable.

    “Gather round everyone, we have a very exciting lesson for you.” HM Spectre said to the group. “Today we will be studying Thestrals. As many of you know, they are what pull our carriages to and from Hogsmeade.”

    “We could have taken a carriage for that trek?” Teresa_QueenSugarplum asked. Skinnyminikendra elbowed them to be quiet as they listened to HM Spectre continue.

    “Manifesting as black, skeletal, bat-winged horses, but invisible to all who have never been truly touched by death, Thestrals have a somewhat macabre reputation. In centuries past the sight of them was regarded as unlucky. However they are widely misunderstood. Their true nature is kindly and gentle. Being able to see Thestrals is a sign that the beholder has witnessed death, and gained an emotional understanding of what death means.While somewhat intimidating in appearance, these carnivorous horses are emblematic of a journey to another dimension, and reward all who trust them with faithfulness and obedience. Thestrals are native to the British Isles and Ireland, though they have been spotted in parts of France and the Iberian Peninsula.” Hm Spectre explained.

    “Thestrals are classified as a XXXX Beast Classification. And therefore only experienced wizards should handle them.” HM jgundz said with a warning to her tone.

    After class the Ilvermorny students said their goodbyes to the students and professors at Hogwarts.

    “Alright all let’s get back to Ilvermorny, we have the Quidditch finals to get back to!” Flying Instructor ariecpotter called as the group grabbed hold of the portkeys.
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