Nicknames / Abbreviations



  • Gnawcraft
    Gnawcraft Posts: 745 Member
    Haha Russ, a nice story. And I'm definitely happy to have another gamer in the mix! Wooo, nerd population +1!
  • m23prime
    m23prime Posts: 358 Member
    Haha Russ, a nice story. And I'm definitely happy to have another gamer in the mix! Wooo, nerd population +1!

    Bwahahahahaha! YES! We are LEGION!
  • dinobunni
    dinobunni = Bridget

    Hello all! I'm new. :) I love the idea of knowing people by name, it's much more intimate. I'll feel more accountable to you guys too lol.
  • m23prime
    m23prime Posts: 358 Member
    Welcome Bridget!

    You are quite right. There is something rather special going here. At least in my opinion.

    We are 147 members strong, and they have woven a wonder web of mutual support to exchange gogrrls and attaboys on their pals' home pages, but there is also a core group of active forum posters whose names you will learn quickly, and whose compassion, wisdom, and kindness will astound you.

    Oh...and Dan is here too. (Pay no attention to the nasty man.):wink:

    Post a little. Post a lot. Your call.

    BUT...if you...

    Log consistently. Move regularly. Hydrate properly.

    And if you are patient with yourself...

    You cannot fail.

    And we will cheer you on every step of the way!

    Good logging and good luck,
  • dinobunni
    Why thank you Mark! I hope to be one of your regular forum posters. :)
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    Bah! Humbug! Snarl.

    Pay no attention to Mark, he is just jealous of my dazzling witticisms and stellar accountability (both of which have flown out the window for September... 8-/ ) Actually, we have become great friends and just shunt each other off to create drama and laughter, and I'm not so secretly envious of his walking accomplishments. --There are a lot of people on here I envy and look up too. I want to be just like them when I grow up (shrink down?) and be a normal sized adult!

    Be welcome Bridget, and congratulations on that stellar loss you have already accomplished!
  • m23prime
    m23prime Posts: 358 Member

    Pay no attention to Mark, he is just jealous of my dazzling witticisms and stellar accountability's true... * resigned sigh *
  • katelynal
    It is always interesting to hear how others' usernames have evolved :) I have been on the internet for many more years than I like to admit to - I started using 'katelyn' on Compuserve early on when a million baby girls had not been named Katelyn. It was short for Kathi Lynne. After some time Katelyn became so common that I added 'AL' ... basically 'katelynal' is Kathi Lynne in Alabama... so boring!! The only good thing about it - it is different enough that it is never ever taken when I sign up on a new site. (Is that nerdy enough??) :blushing: Anyhow, just call me Kathi ... or as most people seem to say 'oh, you are Kathy with an 'I'.