Roll Call - Thursday, July 12, 2018

shenry111 Posts: 4,280 Member
Good Morning!


  • shenry111
    shenry111 Posts: 4,280 Member
    Good Morning!

    Seems like people are getting a late start this morning?

    Continued hot, hot, hot in Kansas City.

    Unfortunate drama at work. Our 92 y.o. receptionist announced that she wanted to retire July 31. I brought in a new person. I brought the new person in a little early so that she could be trained, but also so I could have her work on other projects for me. The retiring receptionist is turning out to fight this tooth and nail, and just is not letting go of anything. Down to the fact that she is arguing with me that the new person won't use the typewriter, but insists on using the computer. She might not make it until the end of the month. It is adding a lot of stress to the office. I don't want to push her out the door after 35 years service to the company, but we really do have a business to run too. This change is long overdue. You did read the age correctly. Our office manager is 80 this year, and she is way past needing to retire, as well. That sounds harsh on my part, but we will not grow past where we are now without these changes, because both women refuse to change. The office manager says that it wrong for us to expand our e-commerce site because people need to call in their orders, and not use the internet to order parts. Yep, she said that to everyone in the office, including a customer.

    It's going to be a great day! You guys have a great day too!
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 7,180 Member
    Good morning gentlemen.

    I had a nice hike, yesterday. The weather was clear and the lookout I hiked up to gave me a spectacular view of the mountain, in all her glory. Covered 12.7 miles, with 2,680 feet of climbing.

    When people work into their 80s and 90s, I suspect their self image is so tied to there job that change is almost impossible. If you change the job it means there is something wrong with them. It's an attack. Me, I couldn't wait to retire from my civilian career as soon as it was feasible.

    Going to be 89 here in Tumwater, today. That passes for hot, here.
  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 4,837 Member
    Good Morning,
    Steve, you reminded me of when I was trying to help auto dealership, office manager was in 70's and did not trust computer, kept pen and ink in addition to computer which required more personnel than needed; I finally convinced dealer it was better to pay her to stay home; cut office staff in half and dealer was profitable with updated reports in 3 months. She thought dealer was crazy to pay me as consultant since I was half her age.
    Hope all are doing better,
    Enjoy the Day,
    Sam I am
  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,911 Member
    Morning gents.

    Warm and dry here in NW CT. Not brutal but we could use some rain.

    Feeling better on Medrol pak. Trying to not get too ambitious with outdoor work. DW gave me a list of desk work things to do today on my day off.

    Dave, your hikes are inspiring.

    Steve, me dad kinda hit that bump when he was 80 and trying to manage a small rural parish (he is an Episcopal Priest). Although he was trying to bring the parish up to Episcopal standards since it had been operating without a full time priest for a few years, he got a lot of resistance from the parishioners who just wanted to do their thing. Instead of meeting them halfway he took the hardline. Kinda his MO all his career as a priest. He wound up retiring for good and the experience left a bad taste in his mouth. Hope things smooth out for you at your office.

    Be OP ;-)
  • myallforjc
    myallforjc Posts: 25 Member
    Good Morning! Good meeting with Neurosurgeon yesterday. It is good to get another voice on how to handle things, especially since I don't see my Pain Dr too often (modern medicine). He agree's the priorities of getting the weight off and rebuilding overall core strength & flexibility over this next year could greatly improve my situation and reduce the need for interventions. Pleased with my progress on weight, my frame of mind (I was still fighting depression last time) and I will see him in 4 months.

    Steve, there is no easy out. They have poured their life into the company it is like their children and these changes and unfamiliar technologies are a threat. Usually, the owner, who has the long-term relationship with them, has to take them to dinner and have a talk with them and make them feel prized and valued but to let them know that he/she wants to build on what they have accomplished with some new technologies etc to take the company into the future, but needs their help to help it go smoothly. Hopefully, it doesn't have to come to the harder call which can upset those who are left behind.
  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,911 Member
    Great advice for Steve's office woes, Bill. Sounds like the voice of experience, somewhere or somehow.
  • shenry111
    shenry111 Posts: 4,280 Member
    Thank you, Bill. Today, it seems a little calmer. Cathy will be leaving at the end of July. I think that we can ride that out. I was just informed that she is actually turning 93 this Sunday. I have convinced the new person, Shelly, to just roll with it for a couple of weeks, then she can let loose with some changes. Dorothy, the office manager, is making more noises that she might like to retire in November when she turns 80. We have another clerical person in the office queued up and ready to go. I don't like forcing people out, and at 58 years old, some might see me as old fashioned. Still, I am a fan of new technologies, and I won't shy away from trying new things that might bring us more business, or make things less expensive for the office. It is funny watching these women. They have old patterns so ingrained that if you move a file from one location to another it messes them up. We have several things that are done where there is no business reason to do them any more, but if they change the process, it will completely throw them into a panic. I try to be as patient as I can. There is a lot that I don't like, but can live with for the present.

    Thank you all for the sage words of wisdom!