Running and Meniere's Disease

AnnWG Posts: 4 Member
I searched the message boards and thought maybe this would be an easier forum. I have Meniere's disease which is a chronic, incurable inner ear disturbance that causes balance and severe vertigo and eventual deafness. Mine is only in my left ear. I have been able to control my symptoms by maintaining a very low sodium diet - about 1200mg of sodium compared to average western diet of about 4,000 mg. Anyway, I think this has affected my running especially in the summer months where I am sweating a lot. Does anyone have any experience with this or recommendations. I ran a half marathon in May and cramped severely miles 8 -13 (calf cramps). Never had cramps before - been on the low sodium diet about a year - since last August. I want to try a full marathon this fall but really I am bonking and cramping on my longer runs. Am scared to up the sodium content for fear the vertigo symptoms will return. Any advice would really be appreciated!


  • MidwestAndHappy
    MidwestAndHappy Posts: 28 Member
    I have Meniere's but I have been relatively symptom-free: I have chronic tinnitus but have not had a vertigo attack since roughly 2008.

    It might be worth experimenting a little bit with upping sodium content for long runs, particularly if your build up is during the summer and you live in a hot area (I used to live on the Gulf Coast but am now in the upper midwest, so YMMV). It's possible a mild increase in sodium consumption may be offset by your increased physical exertion. Do you see a Dr for your Menieres? S/He may have some advice.