Any solutions for a scratched Ionic Screen?

WholeFoods4Lyfe Posts: 1,518 Member
Ugh. So upset. I have a huge scratch on my screen. Another woman and I ran in to each other on the street and she was carrying keys that scratched my screen. I contacted FitBit and they have no way of fixing it, apparently they don't have replacement parts. The only solution they could offer was a 40% discount to buy a new one. Which, while very generous, I really didn't want to spend that kind of money right now, I was more hoping like a $50-$75 repair for a new screen, similar to an Apple Watch. So, has anyone had any luck repairing an Ionic Screen? Either yourself or taking to an electronics repair place? I love my watch and am so upset about this.


  • iamunicoon
    iamunicoon Posts: 839 Member
    I have not had any experience with this myself as I do not own a Ionic but have you tried one of those screen repair sets? It's basically just a paste you rub onto your screen that fills up the scratch. Those kits are pretty inexpensive and I'd try that first before you invest in an expensive repair.