Writer's Block

starswillfly Posts: 22 Member
I've started on a novel recently and I'm about 25 pages in, but, now, I find myself stuck. You see, the novel is about a high school sophomore who disappears in a snowstorm months before the beginning of her junior year. After searching for her and losing hope after many months, her family finally buries an empty coffin, just for closure.
Her boyfriend, who refuses to think she's dead and such, goes into her room during the family's repast. While he's there, he finds a box full of mementos and three letters, one of which is labeled to him. On the first page of the extremely long letter, his missing girlfriend asks him to deliver the two other letters to these guys who are a part of their class: The outcast who's grandmother died months before the disappearance and the druggie/womanizer who faces physical, emotional, and verbal abuse from his alcoholic mother.
As of now, I'm stuck on the druggie/womanizer's part-Lucas is his name-and I have no idea where to go or if I'm even portraying him correctly.
Any ideas?


  • johnp1732
    johnp1732 Posts: 32 Member
    Write the story from that person's perspective, leading up to him getting the letter.