Aug 27 Weekly Challenge: Sticking With It

themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
edited August 2018 in Social Groups
Theme: Exercise and Movement
Challenge: Sticking With It

Our challenge this week is simple but it's not easy. This week, let's stay on track and not veer away from our exercise habits and routines.

Granted, there's a lot of competition for your time right now. It's the end of the summer and that means children and grandchildren returning to school. For those of us who work in a school system, it's the beginning of a new school year or semester. Add to it back to school shopping, end of summer barbecues, and family outings and vacations, and you've got plenty of things competing for your time and attention. It's pretty easy to let exercising slide under these circumstances.

Don't let that happen. Exercise is a great stress reducer and a good way to make sure that part of your day remains your own. Exercise is your time to focus on you and to keep your health and fitness a priority.

But there's another solid reason to keep exercising even when life gets pretty crazy. Exercise is recognized as a keystone habit, a habit that tends to pull in other good habits with it. Ever notice that when you exercise you tend to eat better and when you focus on healthy eating you also tend to be more active? Both exercise and healthy eating are keystone habits. Which is why stopping a habit like exercise can have a big negative ripple effect. We stop exercising and too often, we also stop caring about what we eat.

Let's not let that happen. This week, let's stick with it!

This Week's Challenge: Whatever your exercise habits and routines are, make them a priority this week. Keep going to the gym, keep working out at home, take that usual walk, run, bike ride, or spin class. And if that's impossible because you're away from home or for other circumstances, find new and creative ways to stay active. Walks can be done almost everywhere.

And if you're new to MFP and don't yet have an established exercise routine, now is a great time to start! The best exercises are the ones that we enjoy and will want to keep doing.

Make it a great week!


Suggested Resources:

8 keystone habits that can transform your life

Keystone Habits: The Simple Way to Improve All Aspects of Your Life



  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    Exactly, @PinkyPan1 and @MadisonMolly2017. There’s almost always some movement or activity we can do.

    Molly, I took up gardening a few years ago. Very light gardening, mostly herbs. But it is very satisfying to bring in a basket of lettuce and arugula and know, “I grew this!”. Plus, it’s fun to be outdoors in the relatively mild New England summer.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    I work at a college and this week the students returned. So now I have to leave about 30 minutes earlier to get a parking space. I usually have time to walk for about 15 minutes either outdoors or on my treadmill before work, but this morning I had to skip it to leave in time. I felt a little out of sorts today and I think it was due to skipping the walk. Tomorrow morning I’ll get my walk in!
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    Great challenge. Just today I was talking about this with a friend, that even on my rest days, I am always moving.

    Inspiring members here! Love it!
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 7,972 Member
    I work at a college and this week the students returned. So now I have to leave about 30 minutes earlier to get a parking space. I usually have time to walk for about 15 minutes either outdoors or on my treadmill before work, but this morning I had to skip it to leave in time. I felt a little out of sorts today and I think it was due to skipping the walk. Tomorrow morning I’ll get my walk in!

    I've been struggling in the same way, but I've been trying to get my walk in after I park. Today I did a chair workout in the shared faculty office (hidden behind the cubicle walls), and as I was going through the motions, I thought of the solution to a problem. :)
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 7,972 Member
    I have plans for Saturday, so I'm planning to meet my sister on Friday rather than my usual Saturday workout.