Week 5

Update us on how you are doing :)


  • NewTaxi
    NewTaxi Posts: 85 Member
    Tomorrow is weigh in...hoping I haven't sabotaged myself...staying under calorie numbers but upped carbs by a lot! I hate this time of year...pumpkin spice everything!!! I bought Thomas' Pumpkin Spice English Muffins, Philadelphia Creme Cheese Pumpkin Spice, Quaker Pumpkin Spice Oatmeal...heaven help me!
  • arendiva
    arendiva Posts: 177 Member
    This was kinda a meh week for me. I won my diet bet by the skin of my teeth. Hopefully I’ll have better numbers next week.
  • rainykatie
    rainykatie Posts: 91 Member
    Hi all- I weighed in last week on Friday but I couldn't bring myself to record my weight, I've really fallen off the wagon and have had several binge eating episodes. It's just painful to show up for a challenge and have to log a higher weight than when I started, it's humiliating. I guess that is why many people don't follow through with challenges.

    The good stuff though- I'm still here. I'm still logging- even when I binge. I'm trying to learn from it and move on. I'm also exercising pretty regularly- running 3x a week and spinning 1x a week, and riding my horse on the weekend. So all is not lost. I've also not been drinking much wine- a common downfall for me. So, I'm hoping the next 6 weeks will be more fruitful with regards to the scale.