Getting Back To The Basics

melrose155 Posts: 10 Member
edited October 2018 in Social Groups
Hi and thanks for starting this group :)

I had RNY in 2011 and got down to a low of 153.8 - in the last 2 years, my weight has creeped back up to 177.6 :( I have been fortunate that my clothes still fit (size 8), but at the same time, think this has stopped me from taking action sooner. "Hey, clothes still fit, why not have ANOTHER slice of that ooey-gooey pizza?" UGH!

Just looking for advice and support and hoping to provide advice and support for others like me who have slipped back into bad behaviors (sugar, carbs...lots of carbs!, soda, fried foods, fast food, etc.).

October 1 I started back on MFP, been guzzling the H2O and went back to the post-surgery basics (protein first, low carb). As of this morning, I weighed 170.8, so just under 7 pounds lost (understanding much of this is water weight) and only 15.8 pounds to my 155 goal!

I know not all is lost and it's just a matter of making the necessary changes...I am not a stupid person, so why have I allowed myself to make stupid choices?!

Honestly, I think I tried to live like a "normal" person for far too long. Many of my current friends (and my husband), didn't know me before my surgery. Some of them know I had it, others don't. So trying to keep up with the Jones's and eat/drink like they do...not a good idea.

Anyway, I've rambled far too long. Hoping there's others out there in the same boat who would like to get back on this journey together. I'm shooting for 150-155, so at the highest, 20 lbs by the end of the calendar year is my goal.
