keeping toddler entertained while jogging

So my 17 month old is starting to get bored when I take him for walks/jogs. I talk to him (as best I can while huffing and out of shape, thats another post in and of itself). Today about 2 miles in I peaked in at him and he looked so bored!! My little guy is such a ball of energy that now I feel like confining him to the stroller is mean and selfish :-/ I've given him toys before but he doesn't care (I end up having to pick it up 20x because he's chucked it out the side), he usually just sips on his sippy cup and points and says "CARR!!!" when they pass by on the street and generally okay with getting pushed around. Is there something I can do to keep him engaged while we're out? I'm up to 3.5 miles at a time and I really don't have the option of going out solo (Hubby and I work opposite shifts and all of our family is 100+ miles away) and I also REALLY don't want to give up this time...its taken me 17 months to get down to the weight I am now and I still have a lot more to go to get back to where I was when I got married. :-/


  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    I have Netflix on my phone & my 2 year old will watch TV while I'm walking. While I'm jogging, she really enjoys the view. I give her snacks, juice, and her dolls & she usually has a lot of fun. But it's unrealistic to expect a toddler to sit there for longer than 30mins. You may have to take a jog in the morning & in the evening if you want to get a full 45-60min jog in. Good luck!
  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    I aim for areas with a lot of wildlife (he likes birds and horses and dogs) for him to watch, and I used to do a loop to the city park so he could get his play on in the middle of it while I did stretches and so forth.
  • irunforcookies
    irunforcookies Posts: 111 Member
    I finally just bought a treadmill. It was too difficult keeping my kids happy while I ran, and all of the interruptions were really slowing me down. I found a used Nordictrack for $200, and it's the best money I've spent on myself in years! I'm up to 6 miles a day now, and I could never do that pushing a stroller with 2 whiney toddlers :smile: I run during their afternoon nap, and I get to listen to music and zone out, which I never get to do otherwise :)
  • inspiration
    inspiration Posts: 28 Member
    I sing songs when he gets fussy and play crazy back and forth games with the stroller for a few minutes, then he is having fun and forgets about being cranky for a short time. I also yell out "one two three GO!,"
    At every telephone pole and my son thinks its a game. Yes, exhausting but I end up probably burning more calories and we make it through my workout.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    2pm + M&Ms. Got 4.5 miles in with two in the stroller.