Clomid / Weight ???? HELP

Hello ladies !!!!

So little history, I am 27 was diagnosed with PCOS at 20. Me and my husband got married in May 2011 and immediately started to try and have a baby. We were unsuccessful and went to the doctor for help in 2012, my husband had a analysis and I had a that procedure that made sure my tubes were open (don't remember the name )and I was put on Clomid I was at that time 226lbs I tried for 3 months each month increasing mg 50,100, 150mg plus metformin. my tubes and uterus was perfect my husbands sperm as the doctor said " could knock the bottom out of a boat" but even with all that we were not successful....... My doctor then referred me to a specialist. By this time it was dec.2012 and I had reached the weight of 248lbs :( depression made that weight come on 100% I felt defeated. I put my faith in GOD as always and decided that before spending a fortune doing other things and giving up i would loose weight because I knew when I was thinner and younger my periods were always regular.

So here's my question have any of you had success trying clomid a second time later after loosing weight ?????????

My doctor said that if I can reach a weight of 160 he would allow me to try again. I feel like this could work and is honestly my last option before adoption.
Please help and if you have any other success or happiness to tell me about your similar story SHARE it gives me hope :)

Baby Glitter to all you beautiful ladies :)


  • xcga33i
    xcga33i Posts: 26 Member
    Sorry to hear about all of your stress. I know where you are coming from. I have had pcos since I was 21 or maybe before???? But we didn't decide to have kids for a few more years. I went off bc and got pg with my first baby ASAP. I was about 220 and had just dropped 10#. The trouble started with #2. He took 5 years, 2 rounds of clomid, loosing 30# and a miscarriage but I got baby #2. And hubby wonders why he is so spoiled :)

    My dr told me to loose 10% body weight before she would give me clomid. So I started metformin and tried to loose weight but I had a hard time with it until I lost my grandpa to ALS and then less than 6 weeks later we lost my dad unexpected. My mom and I were also dealing with my grandma having sever Parkinson's and deminsia and working to get her in a nursing home. Mom and I did every fix it job we could find and walked a lot to help with the stress and grief so I dropped 30#'s by the time I got back home and to my dr. She was happy and we started clomid. 2 rounds and we got pg but I was told to get a flu shot with that n1 virus... Can't think of what it was called but it was the first year it was out. And within a week my body miscarried the pg at 7 weeks. After a long month of bleeding and pain and blood test I was told to rest for 3 months the. We would start over. By this time I had gained all of the weight back and was broke from all the dr bills. Well hubby and I found out we were pg again the next month on our own. We were very happy but dr wasn't. She had me take progesterone shots for 5 painful weeks but we have a happy heathy baby boy getting ready to turn 3.

    So after everything I went through I would suggest a clean diet, excersize 30 minutes daily at least, take your multi vit, fish oil vit, folic acid vit and we used Pre-seed and believe it helped. I have just started to work on mommy again to get back healthy now we r done having babies and I love mfp and couch to 5k. I have lost 20# in 9 weeks and feel better. And my cycle came back after loosing 12#. I have a lot more to loose but I am taking it 10# at a time.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend or ask questions if you would like. Oh and are you temping? It does help.