Starting the New Year off right!

I hope everyone is ready to start 2019 the right way! We are going to take control over ourselves back and crush our goals!

I, for one, am ready to stop feeling sorry for myself and stop overeating for emotional reasons. Does anyone else eat for these reasons? What are your reasons for over indulging?

It is best to identify your triggers before starting to diet so that you know what to look for to keep yourself from self sabotaging (i do this too!).


  • Bill70Strong
    Bill70Strong Posts: 251 Member
    Yep, emotional overeater; anxiety, boredom, sometimes I feel like another person completely takes over!
    I've lost quite a bit of weight and for the most part have kept it off. But, the overeating has kept me at a standstill.
    My goal for the New Year is just as you commented, @bearmaiden804, take back control.
    I hope we can keep this group active!! We can do this!!!