Low carb/period

Kimma41 Posts: 46 Member
Does anyone know if a low carb diet can cause your period to come 2 weeks early?


  • mram3582
    mram3582 Posts: 2,482 Member
    Being in a high deficit can cause you to bleed more or less frequently. It has nothing to do with with macros and everything to do with the hormone imbalance that a deficit causes. I have PCOS. I haven't noticed it being harder to lose weight, BUT.....I have been bleeding EVERY SINGLE FLIPPING DAY FOR 11 MONTHS NOW!! Very light or spotting with heavy days only being on days that I net below 800 and very light on days that I eat +1200-1300 net. As directed by my gyno, I can stop my period by taking +800mg of Tylenol daily (this stops production of prostaglandins) and stops your period. It usually comes back around 4-5 days after doing that and only gives me temporary relief. I don't want to do that on a regular basis because long term, heavy dosage of Tylenol use will cause liver damage. But yes, it is normal.
  • Kimma41
    Kimma41 Posts: 46 Member
    Ugh!! Thanks for your insight. I didnt realize this could happen. I have pcos too.
  • mram3582
    mram3582 Posts: 2,482 Member
    I've noticed other things too. Once I hit the +50lbs weight loss mark, I noticed that my hair started falling out at a pretty rapid rate. Apparently, this is normal too and will stop once I start eating at maintenance.
  • 808malia
    808malia Posts: 631 Member
    I know that low carb or keto diets can do funny things to your period. After I started keto the first few periods were weird to say the least, first one was early and lasted 10 days! But should regulate after a few months...