


  • newbie2143
    newbie2143 Posts: 328 Member
    New to the challenge and looking forward to it! My story is maybe like a lot of others - using MFP I successfully got down to my goal weight through daily accountability for exercise and logging, but through sheer lack of mindfulness have regained most of it back over the past two years. I am generally pretty active (running/swimming/gym/hiking) type person, but have to admit I find excuses not to get out there on cold winter days! Hoping this will be the motivation I need to get back on track. Thanks @RangerRickL for the challenge!
  • holly2e
    holly2e Posts: 300 Member
    Looking forward to the accountability challenge. I have been part of this group in the past and found it very helpful and supportive. last year, I was able to get very close to goal weight, but have gained some back over the holidays and haven’t been tracking my food, so I am here for a fresh start. I am 38 years old, mom to 4 kids 8 years old and under, and do my best to exercise when the two younger ones are napping (strength training and yoga mostly), and we take walks when the weather agrees. I also teach a few yoga classes. Thanks for leading this great group @RangerRickL
  • corriepelc
    corriepelc Posts: 2,088 Member
    Hi everyone! This is EXACTLY the type of challenge I need right now.

    I am a Weight Watchers Lifetime member who is about 10 lbs above her goal weight right now. I ended up leaving WW last month as it was no longer working for me -- I'm a runner and workout twice most days (strength training in the am and running/cardio in the pm), so it wasn't allowing me to get enough food aka energy. I'm now working with a sports nutritionist and she suggested I use MFP to track my food intake.

    This will be great for me as I need accountability and I need to be rigid with it. I look forward to getting to know you all and helping with motivation!
  • MsBaz2018
    MsBaz2018 Posts: 384 Member
    edited December 2018
    Hi All, Thanks @RangerRickL for running this.

    I am early 40s, pescatarian, my main form of exercise is walking. I plan to add some weight lifting in January.

    I'll need extra motivation since I'll start a new job on 2 Jan, going from self-employed to corporate. I hope UAC will encourage me to maintain good habits.

    I have lost 20 lbs so far this year, and hope to reach Onederland at end of January. But the journey is still very long (70/80 lbs to lose still).
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    LMK20018 wrote: »
    Hi , this is my first time doing this challenge. I am in need of motivation and accountability with maintaining a daily exercise program and staying within my caloric limit! A new year awaits!

    Good to see you!