Roll call ~ Dec. 29, 2018

mikehikemike Posts: 3,473 Member
edited December 2018 in Social Groups
Morning men...


  • mikehikemike
    mikehikemike Posts: 3,473 Member
    Sun rises later and later it seems, but soon days will start to get longer again... I try to make a habit of watching the sunrise, which I can see from my 3rd floor balcony doorway; it is an upbeat way to start the day. "Healthy mind in a healthy body" somebody once said.

    Still decluttering-- tossing books and old files, making room to store the things I really do need to keep. Embarrassing... kind of like an archaeological dig--I discovered the floor of the far side of my bedroom day before yesterday.

    My weight has held steady so far this holiday, so that's good. My goal's to loose weight, of course, but second best during holiday seasons is at least to not gain any weight.

    Have a great day.
  • shenry111
    shenry111 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Good Morning!

    Today, Connie and I celebrate our 29th wedding anniversary. I'm not sure what all is on tap for today.

    I have gained almost 8 pounds this year. All I can do is hit reset, and start again on a better path. My exercise was much better in 2018, so I want to keep that up. I don't know if I will be running in 2019 or not. Still thinking about that one.

    For those that might be interested, if you go to mapmyfitness, they have a "You vs. the Year" challenge that has a goal of 1019 KM walked or run in a year. I did it in 2018, but not as consistently as I'd like. I took off several months in the spring/early summer. The challenge works out to an average of just under 2 miles a day. Very achievable.

    Have a great day!
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 6,967 Member
    Good morning gentlemen.

    I am a book hoarder, Mike. My DW has limited my tendencies, but they are still there. I need to get into my study/library and clear out a lot of what fills the shelves - and forces me to keep many other books stacked on the floor. I have a lot of how-to books from decades past, that have been made obsolete by the proliferation of on-line resources. Why do I need three books on home wiring?

    No shop time, yesterday. We took the DGKs to the children's museum and ate lunch out, followed by some shopping. DDIL's sister is picking up DGD for the day and night. She'll drop her off tomorrow night. We pass the kids on to their other grandparents on Monday, I think.

    Still have a big chunk of Christmas roast beef to deal with
  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 4,668 Member
    Good Morning,
    Happy Anniversary Steve and Connie!
    Codes have changed so some older wiring books may not be helpful.
    You reminded me I've got several pounds of beef left over from earlier in week, may thin slice for Mexican for kids today.
    I'm bad about not throwing out stuff and letting it accumulate best way to force cleanup is moving we tossed lots with each move.
    I'm up about 5 lbs for year now, better than a couple months ago, could stand to lose about 40 lbs.
    Enjoy the Day,
    Sam I am

  • myallforjcbill
    myallforjcbill Posts: 5,592 Member
    edited December 2018
    Good Morning!

    Happy Anniversary Steve & Connie!

    We had a wonderful day at Yosemite yesterday. There is still not a lot of snowpack up there this year that hasn't melted off, maybe a foot or so in the shade with temps were hovering right around freezing depending on whether you were in shade or sun. Sking on the slopes looked like very icy. We trekked headed up Glacier Point Road which is a Cross Country skiing/snow show trail this time of year. Altitude was a bit of a problem for us, it has been a while since we have done much at 8200ft. But we took our time and turned off toward Dewey Point and headed out into the meadow. I have a 3mi limit on my knee so we eventually turned and headed back. Seem to be ok physically except for sleeping on my bad shoulder, which had me up at 1am to TENS and then again at 5am. After we were finished we headed down to the Awhanee for a late lunch and then home. We look forward to doing it again a few more times this winter. Off to movies with DW today to see Mary Poppins. My alternative of Aquaman was voted down by the ruling council.

    Rededicating myself to tracking which has gone down the tubes these past 4 weeks. The scale shows it.
  • irapino65
    irapino65 Posts: 71 Member
    Good Evening everyone! DW and I are preparing to head to the movies tonight to see Aquaman. Hope everyone has a good night.
