Substitutes for those hard to kick cravings

I know i can't be alone in the fight against those unhealthy cravings that got me to where I am now. I have tried to ignore them but that simply doesn't work, so i figure the best thing is to find less fattening substitutes. Today I am craving tacos really bad, so i looked up some healthier ways to make tacos. I can still satisfy my craving without completely falling off the band wagon.

2 boiled chicken thighs
2 whole wheat taco shells
1/2 cup shredded taco cheese
2oz homemade pico de gallo

all together about 700 calories
not the best thing in the world but much better than the alternative

What about you guys, what are some of your healthier substitutes?


  • eris1981
    eris1981 Posts: 58 Member
    I use ground turkey to make tacos a lot. With the taco seasoning, the ground turkey is remarkably similar to ground beef in flavor and texture, more satisfying when I want traditional tacos than using chicken. Turkey sausage, Butterball in particular, is good for breakfast meat cravings. Ummm . . . Sara Lee 45 calorie bread is good.

    Also, in general, I don't do well with substitutes when I really want something, so I fill up on like beans or something (filling but healthy) and then have a little of what I really want. That may mean a single taco from Taco Bell rather than making them at home, but it works for me.
  • Thank you for replying to the post, that substitute of ground turkey for ground beef is a great idea. I'm not really strong enough to have the real thing yet but maybe one day I can try your method. If you know of any other great recipes, please post.
  • eris1981
    eris1981 Posts: 58 Member
    I totally understand not being strong enough to go for the real thing yet! Which is why I don't make the real thing at home . . . if it's in the house, I will eat it all and then feel awful for it and end up eating more junk food to drown my sorrows. A lot of my cooking is kind of a compromise, too . . . For example, I love fried chicken but when I saw just how many calories are in a single fried chicken breast, it blew me away. I found a really good oven-fried chicken recipe on Pinterest that actually kind of fries the chicken in the oven in butter or margarine (rather than Shake and Bake style) so you still get a crispy delicious fried crust but it's nowhere near as bad as deep frying . . . Compared to Shake and Bake style oven fried chicken, it's much less healthy . . . but if you just really want some fried chicken, Shake and Bake won't cut it but this will. Also, I figure, I'm certainly not going to live my life without ever eating "bad" food again, so if I can make something fairly comparable but healthier (rather than a poor, poor substitute), it goes along with the whole lifestyle change bit much, much better. :)
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    For tacos I get extra lean sirloin.....130 calories for 4 ozs
    2% Kraft or Sargent Mexican cheese.......80 calories for 1/4 cup (28 gm)
    Romaine lettuce..........4-12 calories depending on how many leafs used
    Low carb shells forgot the brand but the are only 50 calories per shell
    Needless to say for me 2 tacos are about 250-300 calories
  • I know it's not necessarily a GOOD thing to eat but I've been wanting hamburger helper for so long LOL. Last night I made a box with 96% lean hamburger, fat free milk, added a lot of mushrooms and onions. It lowered the calories by over 100 per cup. Still way too much sodium but it was less calories and I could eat more because of that haha. Happy day :P
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    I do something similar for hamburger help except I cut the milk in half and add water to make up for the liquid