
Come say hi, tell us a bit about yourself, say what your goal/s are, what name we would know you as on twitch/discord if your username isn't the same here.
idk anything that you would like to say.
Your intro can be as long or as short as you would like.


  • Hi hi, I'm FascinatingFascinator on Twitch, and Fascinator on Discord. You can call me Fascinator or Fas/Fasc.
    Overall my goal is to get to a healthy weight, which is something that I've never really been. For a myriad of reasons I've always had weight issues. On here I put 140 as my goal weight based on BMI even though I know that BMI is complete bull, but like I said I have no idea what a healthy weight on me would look/feel like so 140 is legit just a random number lol. My mom always said that I was built like my aunt and that she looked the best at 200 and anything under that made her look like she was sick so idk.
    2017 my brother, sister-in-law, and I were like "hey, let's lose weight!" and since we were living together and were able to have in person support we all lost a lot of weight, and I actually got back to where I was my freshman year of high school. But then drama happened and a move happened at the end of 2017 and I've pretty much gained all of the weight that I had lost in '17 back, and I don't have the excuse of "oh, I just moved" anymore. I'm thankfully not back to where I started 2017 (an nowhere near my all time heaviest), but I could easily get back to that point if I'm not careful.
    So for me, definitely having support from others and having the accountability made a huge difference in my actually continuing through with eating healthier & exercising.
  • Howdy! I'm Kenzie, but on twitch and Discord I go by WingedEyeliner. My name or screen name is fine to call me. My goal for the year is to be able to run a 5K as well as lose more weight. I've lost 30 pounds already then hit a wall but now would like to lose another 30-40 more to get to what would be healthy for me based on BMI. So my goal weight is actually the same as Fas' :smiley: so hopefully we'll be able to inspire each other. Also, since I'm asthmatic its hard to run for any significant distance, but I think 5ks look so much fun so its a big goal for me to do it and get a good time.

    I've been a chubby kid all my life and used food as a tool to socialize or cope with feelings, I put on 35 lbs in 2016 and 2017 cause of that college life and a lot of drama going on. I went through a complicated breakup and slipped a disc in my back the last time I was at the gym, so those are some other reasons I put on weight.

    So my goals to help me achieve my overall goal of running a 5k and losing more weight are to go on a 30 min walk every day. Hopefully later on I'll be able to start going to the gym again as well and start running everyday too. I'd like to continue making good food choices as well by recutting out soda, juice and sweets for 6 days a week.

    The last thing I'd like to say is that I'm excited to be apart of this group. I'd happy to have a group to talk to about this sort of thing and be supportive with. Thanks so much to Fas for creating the group and having such a great idea to start with!
  • mfrawg
    mfrawg Posts: 3 Member
    mfrawg here! My name is Megan but you can call me whatever. Toady is a common nickname for me. (I like frogs 😋)

    Like others, I've always been the chubby kid and it escalated as I got older and with a complicated upbringing I had nothing to hold onto except food. So, my main goal is weight loss but it's really so much more than that. For about the last decade I've been on a long journey toward a healthy weight and through MANY ups and downs I've lost 60lbs but I still have about 50 more to go to be at my "goal weight."

    That said, in the last two years I've made better peace with my body and am slowly accepting myself for what and who I am, and I've actually started to feel confident in my skin despite still being bigger than I would like. I learned that just by exercising and strengthening my body THAT'S what makes me feel good... not a number on a scale. That's what I'm striving for now: confidence and strength! Whatever weight I end up is just how I am. Though I would really like to gain a healthier relationship with food. That one's harder for me than exercise but I'm getting there.
  • mzmarpeck1
    mzmarpeck1 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello, My name is Meg, Marpeck on Discord. My goal is to be under 200 lbs since the extra weight is limiting my ability to do things I love like rock climbing, hiking, and canoeing. I don't care about being skinny or weighing a certain amount, I just want to be healthy and do the things I want to do without being literally weighed down by my weight.

    I was a very skinny kid due to near starvation before being placed in foster care when I was 8, so growing up I tried to eat everything that was placed in front of me because for a long time I didn't trust that there would be another meal. Because of my tendency to over eat, mom and older sisters were very controlling of what I ate and would stop me from eating too much, so until college I was a size 8. Because my portions were always controlled for me, I didn't learn healthy eating habits and when I went to college, I gained A LOT of weight and became an emotional eater. It took several years of counseling, but I now have worked through the fear of starving that was the main cause of my over eating. So now it's time to kick my *kitten* into shape.

    I've lost over 40lbs so far. I was up close to 295 lbs and managed to get down to 240, but backslid over the course of a year to 259 due to a lot of stress and overtime at work. I started a keto diet last week, and have already lost 3 lbs! Once I've lost the first 20-30 lbs, I'm going to start increasing my workouts and transition from keto to eating normally (eating healthy like I pan to do from now on, but having carbs and a very limited amount of sugar). While I am on keto, I'm researching healthy eating habits, finding healthy recipes, and establishing a habit of meal prepping.