Issuing a Challenge

Hi everyone!
During the month of February, I am challenging you all to do something called "Morning Pages."
If you've never heard about "Morning Pages," here's a short summary: every morning you write three pages, all in long-hand. They are stream of consciousness, you don't think about what you are putting down on the page, you just put down whatever is in your head. A lot of the times you're going to start with things like, "I don't want to be awake right now," or "This sunrise is gorgeous," or even song lyrics from the song stuck in your head. No one else sees them, they are only for you.
The woman who created this idea, Julia Cameron, originally had "Morning Pages" as apart of her Artist's Way workshop. During her workshops, she encouraged her students to write three pages every morning so that they could clear their head so that they could focus on their art. Throughout the years of doing these twelve-week workshops, she noticed time and time again that some of her students would lose weight.
And that got her thinking.
She eventually came to the conclusion that creativity can overcome overeating. This led her to write a book entitled The Writing Diet: Write Yourself Right-Size. It’s an interesting book to check out if and she has other useful tips to consider adding into what you are already doing in terms of losing weight.
So, back to the challenge.
Everyday during February, write “Morning Pages.” Traditionally they are handwritten, but if you’re not a handwriting kind of person, three pages is equal to 750 words. You can do your “Morning Pages” in a Google Doc, on your phone, or you can check out the website
This is a challenge meant purely for you. The goal is to hopefully give you another tool to help you along on your road to better health. If once March 1 rolls around and you’ve decided that “Morning Pages” haven’t helped you, you don’t have to continue writing them.
But for February, I am officially challenging you to do them.