02/03/19 Could be coincidence...

akielroki Posts: 29 Member
It could be coincidence but I started eating whole foods plant based about a week ago and my inflammation has gone down significantly. I started using Dr. Gregers daily dozen app (more like daily 24) to keep track and definitely notice a difference when I check off at least 20 boxes.
I feel well enough to pick up where I left off on my exercise routines. This way of eating is supposed to help with recovery time so I'll let you know if I notice a difference.
I thought it was going to be expensive to eat better but buying dried beans and cooking batches in the crockpot to separate into portions and freeze has cut costs significantly. Buying frozen produce and going to the bulk store for things like flax and dates really helps too.
I won't really know how well this works until I get another flare-up but it feels promising.
Has anyone else found a change in diet helpful?


  • akielroki
    akielroki Posts: 29 Member
    Wow. I have no sense of time. I've been attempting whole foods plant based eating for a month! I've only been consistent for a week though.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    I found that cutting processed foods to be helpful for me. Buying whole foods and cooking them instead of things from boxes, or bags (precooked or frozen dinner type things) has reduced my pain significantly. It hasn’t been a cure by any means! I still have to be careful and not overdo things or I can easily hurt myself. But my daily pain is overall improved.

    I so glad you’re seeing improvements too!!
  • melmerritt33
    melmerritt33 Posts: 1,091 Member
    This is so great for you, I wish plant based would work for me but it just doesn’t for some reason. I definitely think eating foods that are as natural as possible helps, I still eat too much processed food because it’s easier for me but I know I feel better when I eat more foods that are as unprocessed as possible. Keep us updated on your progress!
  • akielroki
    akielroki Posts: 29 Member
    My inflammation was still out of control being vegan. It's when I really started to incorporate the daily dozen app and cut out junk food that things got much better. My recovery time was cut in half after exercising! I'm looking forward to my progress this year
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    It is truly amazing what the food industry has done to the general population with their “food”! So many (used to be me) think that’s the food to eat! It’s convenient, easy, and I thought it tasted good. I’m so glad I finally saw the light and began eating real food!
  • akielroki
    akielroki Posts: 29 Member
    Yep. I'm never going back to my old way of eating. I recover so much faster. I can push my exercise 1 day, take 2 days off then be ready to exercise again! I used to need 4-6 days recovery, sometimes longer if I caused a flare-up.
    Whole foods plant based using Dr. Gregors daily dozen app as a guide. I wish I had known about it years ago.
    There are some foods I miss but when I think of how bad I felt as recently as christmas, I realize it's not worth it. Besides, frozen bananas blend into a pretty good ice cream proxy, dates pureed with a little water are as sweet as caramel. I can make treats out of whole foods with creativity and a little help from pinterest.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Every once in a while I think I might want something that I thought I used to like, then I recall the amount of pain that I used to live with. I know it’s not worth it! I don’t want to take a chance!