2 questions

1. When I hit the bottom of the squat, I get soreness (not a twinge, not pain, just a discomfort) in the front of my legs, right up where my thighs meet my hips, at the crease of the thigh/hip. Does that make sense? Is that a hip flexor? It's an awkward position to try to stretch out. It's not hindering my squat, and I don't feel it at any other time.
2. Tonight I couldn't do the 5x5 of my set weight on bench press. I did 2x5 of 65lbs, and then dropped to 60lbs for 3x5. Was that the right thing to do, or should I have tried for like 3x1 or 3x2 to finish at my original 65lbs?


  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    If its hip crease around the groin then its possibly an adductor, what are you doing to warm up?

    Can you get to parallel or below in a BW squat? For hip mobility stretching try this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBHzXF-mVjY

    for the bench, what was the weight you last finished 5x5 are u adding 5lbs each time you move up? You might want to get some fractionals to start adding weight each time?
    Its been a little while since I did SL but I believe the program is if you fail a set rest 5 mins and try again, try to get as many reps in each set you can and then stay at that weight and try again next time after 3 sessions of fails you deload 10%
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    Can you post another video of your squat? Your first issue could be a form problem known as the knee slide. Google "TUBOW" or re-read the chapter on squats in Starting Strength.
  • PitBullMom_Liz
    PitBullMom_Liz Posts: 339 Member
    Thank you both. I actually used my google-fu (was too tired last night) and the picture of where the hip flexors are is exactly where I feel it. So I found some yoga poses that can stretch them out nicely. Doesn't help that I sit at a desk all day, too. I'll get another vid when I do them Wednesday. I'm not hitting parallel every single time yet, but more often than not. Although I find it harder to parallel with just body weight. The best squat I've done yet was during a warm up while holding a 25lb plate to my chest. It was a thing of beauty.

    For warm up for squats, I do five body weight squats, five holding the 25lb plate, and five with the oly bar.

    I may have to try the TUBOW. Would be entertaining at the very least, and educational/informative at the best.

    For the bench, last time I did 60 lbs 5x5 successfully. Last night I was able to do 65 lbs 2x5, and then had to drop it or I was going to end up having to ditch the weights to the side. Fractionals would be a good idea. The 60 lbs felt really light, but the 65 was way too much. It's really crazy how big of a difference five pounds can make.

    Thank you both!