Today, I decided to try out the site. I misunderstood the calories in/out thing a little bit and only wound up with 110 calorie deficit for the day. Tomorrow, I will cut some more of the calories. I believe that losing weight is simple math. As long as you burn more calories than you take in, you will lose weight.

This is easier said than done however. I believe I suffer from a food addiction. I am not sure if I do, but I think I do. Whenever I would eat before I would eat way more than I needed to. I would go to McDonald's for lunch all of the time, instead of just eating a sandwich at home. On top of that, I would order more than I should. Instead of just ordering the 10 piece chicken nugget meal, I would order 20 pieces and a large fries, or even just two ten piece meals. After I finished eating it, I would feel like ****. Not just from the calorie overload, but because I knew I shouldn't have eaten that junk. I would never eat like that in front of other people, only if I was by myself. I believe it is called shame-eating. On top of all of that, I have some self-esteem issues. I have always been the chubby guy. I lucked out and developed a pretty muscular chest and shoulder region, so the belly does not look that bad if I suck in, I shouldn't have to suck in though.

I want to lose this weight to do three things:

1. Build my confidence
2. Be healthy and fit like I once was
3. Look good naked