Getting food under control!

Hey ladies,

I love fitness and I have no problem making myself workout even though sometimes time doesn't permit it as much as I would like. However I am really struggling with my diet. I manage to eat good all day at work but I take a fall when I get home after work. Any tips or suggestions?


  • Carlyannabelle
    Carlyannabelle Posts: 621 Member
    You know I do the same thing, expect it is worse on the weekends. Try planning ahead for your meal at home. I find that if I have something in mind or partially prepared already then it makes it easier to stick to it. I give myself some slack on the weekends usually and it doesn't seem to hurt the scale too much on Monday.

    Good luck!
  • amykluver
    amykluver Posts: 184 Member
    Back - pre-kids when I was lifetime on Weight Watchers - I used to work out great and be pretty strict during the week (never exceeding points) then on the weekends I just relaxed some, and tried to keep up workouts but typically they were more like working in the yard all day.

    Now with 2 little ones, grad school and an aging metabolism... I am not getting away with that. So I do the same - good at work with structure but struggle when I get home or on the weekends. I did well for a few months when I quit coffee and wheat - but I'm back to struggling again (I think mine is Anxiety eating and I need to get a grip on that - and it might help).

    Best Wishes!