Tuesday cup o Joe

steplinn398 Posts: 2,908 Member

Pour yourself a mug of your favorite morning brew. Pull up a chair and join us for our morning roll call here on the BBB.

“.. he tried to be a good person! Though he failed. After all, he was only human. He wasn’t a dog..”


  • steplinn398
    steplinn398 Posts: 2,908 Member
    Morning all

    Waiting for my flight to St Louis. With the time change I arrive at 8 am. Going to be a long day.

    Had a relaxing but active vacation in Florida. Not quite as fun as a tropical island that we usually do but way cheaper when we have a free place to stay, which matters way more now that Ron is retired.
  • kgmoody
    kgmoody Posts: 3,149 Member
    Good morning
    I’m next to visit Florida. 3 days and counting
  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,699 Member
    edited May 2019
    Mornin' BBB.

    Plus you wouldn't have gotten to hang with Raine, Jack, and Tom on a tropical island.

    HOA president's job is to paint the sign? Its looks really nice. Funny, I just threw out all the DIY paint stuff I had hanging around. Now I call "the guy".

    Sam, like the trellised jasmine. Gorgeous plant.

    Am I the only one with a cat? Princess Crazy Eyes (aka Bad Cat), amuses herself and in turn amuses me. Ever see the video of the cat freaking out when someone placed a cucumber behind it on the floor? Well our cat had gone into the bathroom and raided the q-tip container and spread them around the bathroom and into the bedroom...then got distracted by a bug...then got spooked by a q-tip laying on the floor behind her, somersaulting backwards. LMAO.

    BBB OP ;-)

  • DocSkippy
    DocSkippy Posts: 7,037 Member
    Wow! thats YouTube material, Doc! Too funny!

    WTG - "calling the guy" is so much quicker; easier; and less stressful!

    Busy day here. Day two as bachelor - but lots of work to catch up on....Finals week! Lots of "....Professor, can I make up those assignments I overlooked and now I finally realize I'm failing" plea's.... Ugh! Maybe playing YouTube rap videos will help? Sam?

    Blue paint tape everywhere in house. We are approaching our one year drywall inspection and they come in to redo caulking and fix seams/nail pops and touch up paint. This is your one last "get out of jail free" card.

    Safe flight, Steph!

  • lowbar31
    lowbar31 Posts: 6,597 Member
    Good morning BBB Friends.
    • I am here to report that both cars got washed yesterday. They probably wouldn't pass muster with Professor Skippy but they look a whole lot better than they did.
    • I've got my Emmaus reunion group this morning and a meet and greet with our State Representative this afternoon.
    • Enjoy St. Louis Steph. I understand they still have flooding.
    • Princess Crazy Eyes. Reminds me of my... no, never mind.
  • louisstone
    louisstone Posts: 2,565 Member
    Good morning.

    My sinuses are so bad that Cecilia ditched me last night and slept in the other room. So, I've got that to look forward to hearing about later.
  • mcee1
    mcee1 Posts: 3,606 Member
    Good morning BBB

    I ditched Tom last night too, I caught a cold and coughed all nite.

    I volunteered to paint the sign and spend the $ on hiring "the guy" to re landscape the area around it. This morning I noticed bird poop on it, errrrr. There's my thanks.

    Tonite we celebrate with ds2/dgf - her dd's 12th bday at Olive garden. The kids choice. I have cash in a card, hopefully she prefer that. Most kids that age would, I hope.

    The students are lucky to have Skip and Sam!!!

    Enjoy the day BBB

  • steplinn398
    steplinn398 Posts: 2,908 Member
    Wish we would have overlapped Kelly.

    Mary you sign looks great. Did you redo the tree too or go around it?
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 6,963 Member
    Good morning BBB crew.

    Substituting in middle or high school is tough. I can't imaging pulling it off. My hat is off to those who do.

    I am my own guy, for most things - at least if I am capable of doing such task. I can't get up on the roof, anymore, I don't understamnd what anything is under the hood, any more, and natural gas and electric power frighten the carp out of me - for those areas I need "a guy." Of course, I am retired and the only competition for my time comes from my hobbies.
  • raineray
    raineray Posts: 2,196 Member
    Good Morning BBB.
    Setting up dinner with Kelly for next week - fun!
    Lee - we had two cats but found them a wonderful home as Tom drew a line and would not allow them in the RV. Actually their new home is with a woman that loves them unconditionally so it's perfect.
    Mary - Nice job on the sign. Tom could use you if you ever want a different gig.
    Sam - those Confederate Jasmine are glorious.
    Dennis - I love how much you get done!
    Lisa - loved the pre-race photos.
    Do good out there everyone.
  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,105 Member
    Oh so sorry Lou. I have had crazy glop in back of my throat since before Christmas but strangely and luckily not really a sinus guy. Oh my.
    •Although I was in medical research and laboratories all my working life I did have a secondary teaching credential I picked up while in graduate school. I did substitute one day in high school and it was astonishingly wonderful. The regular teacher set it up nicely and I had help from some students I knew from doing student teaching. My daughter is a miracle worker with middle school and high school kids and set her classes up nicely for substitutes.
  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 4,664 Member
    Good Evening,
    Don't know where earlier post went, I promise I did not use any words from rap songs.
    Skip, that would be funny having a few rap phases to respond to students; I have to be careful since all students are under 18.
    Subbing in schools have helped in my memory and realizing that even though some subjects not used in years are still there, just needed prodding. Dave you would do great, most kids are very good and show respect to us elderly. Most teachers have work planned for students, only a couple of times did I have to come up with plan, and kids cannot believe there were times we did not have running water, telephones, electricity, air conditioning and most families only had one automobile, some crazy questions they can ask. Have to be careful in history because education system has rewritten some of it.
    Me and cats do not get along, have tried several times allergies act up every time
    Dennis, wish I knew you were into car washing; I'll have driven over.
    Still do not have mulch out, maybe by weekend.
    Driving or flying Kelly?