Let’s get to know you!

iamFitSal Posts: 16 Member
My name is Sal. Just turned 37 and I’ve been struggling with excess weight for few years now.
My eating plan: watching calories/macros
My workout plan: HIIT + Weight (gym/Home gym)
Success measure: The scale drives me crazy. I currently have a pair of smaller size pants that I’m trying to fit into.

Let me know about you!


  • lorenamalin
    lorenamalin Posts: 2 Member
    My name is Lorena. I turn 27 next month and have been struggling with the same 50lbs or so ever since having my first baby (I have a 5 year old and 1 year old now).
    My eating plan: Current daily goals are 186P, 129C, 46F
    My workout plan is: lifting 6 days a week, cardio and abs 3/4x a week and BJJ (grappling) 2/3x week
    Success measure: long term I'd love to do a bikini show, short term I want to be comfortable in crop tops again!

    <3 excited to see that others are still using this app!
  • Pow3rlift3r
    Pow3rlift3r Posts: 2 Member
    I'm Mich, focusing mainly on the food aspect with whatever walks\lifting\exercise I can fit in with the crazy kids at home 🙂. Goal is to drop 15lbs by beginning of September with an overall goal of 30 more to lose.
  • katyjane49mfp
    katyjane49mfp Posts: 31 Member
    edited May 2019
    Hi I'm Alison. Have come a bit late to the challenge as only just found it. Was a digital member of ww but finding it too restrictive so have come back to mfp today. The challenge is perfect timing as it finishes on the day I go on holiday so heres hoping for a decent loss. Have made a positive start to the day. Havent been to my exercise classes for a couple of weeks but went to aqua aerobics this morning. Felt a bit sick while I was doing it but completed the class. Have also logged todays planned food so all good so far. Now off to make a salad for my lunch
  • AimeeLGosse
    AimeeLGosse Posts: 24 Member
    Hello, I'm Aimee :) Im a 45 year old mom of six, married almost 20 years to a very amazing & supportive husband! I have about 40 pounds to lose. I am a diabetic, my food and exercise are so important. I do not take medication so have no room for error! My sugar levels have been up lately due to negligence...no excuses. I'm back on track and ready to....lose!! 🌟
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,670 Member
    Hi, I'm Kathy. I'm 47 and went back to college two semesters ago, I have my last final today. My goal is to stay on track within my calories and do my best to exercise each day. I've lost and maintained for a while now and have lost 80 pounds since I first started. I'm down 26 pounds since January of this year and plan to get my weight down to 125, give or take a little, I'll reevaluate when I get there.

    Good luck everyone, we can do this!