Seven Ways to Stick to Proper Portions

megabeln Posts: 36 Member
When you can, use a measuring cup to serve your food. This is great to do with soups and cereals. It is a sure fire way to know exactly how much food you are serving and eating.

Measure out portions before starting to eat. If you buy a large bag of chips or another snack food, separate it into single servings. Do this right away when unpacking groceries. It should help you and your family become more aware of how many portions you are consuming. Eating out of a large bag of chips can be a dangerous thing for portion control.

Measure your cups and bowls. Fill your bowl with dry cereal, and then measure the amount of cereal the bowl holds. Next, fill you cups with water, and use a measuring cup to see how much beverage they hold. If you know how much your tableware can contain, you will be more aware of the amount you are eating and drinking.

Use smaller plates and bowls. Research shows that we serve ourselves less from smaller tableware. Invest in petite plates and bowls, and your servings will naturally become smaller!

Split an entree when eating out. Restaurants can be a portion control nightmare, serving 2-4x the amount of an appropriate serving. Order a small salad and then split an entrée with a friend. This will be a more appropriate portion, and most likely a more balanced meal!

Serve from the stove. Serve from the stove, and keep the serving bowls off the dinner table. When serving bowls are on the table, it is easy to take a little bit more, again and again, completely losing track of portions.

Go for pre-portioned snacks. There are some great, go to snacks that come pre-portioned, such as instant oatmeal (be sure it’s not high in added sugars), 100 calorie snack packs, fresh fruit, individual yogurts, granola bars, single servings of nuts, and fruit cups packed in water or the fruits own juices. If you buy appropriately pre-portioned products, you should be all set!