Having trouble using up calories.

SO I know we are not supposed to be losing weight when pregnant, but between weird work schedules and MS all day, I am having a really tough time eating enough. In fact ironically, over the past week I have lost weight and am now only 1 lb away from what my weightloss goal was before knowing I was KU'd. Should I be worried? Part of my big problem is that carbs are making me feel sick and because I don't eat a lot meat, that's were most of my calories have come from in the past....should I be making more of an effort to meet calorie goals? Or should I just eat what I can without feeling sick?


  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    A lot of us have lost weight in the first trimester due to nausea and morning sickness. It is not unusual. However, if you're not getting enough calories to sustain yourself or you are losing more than you'd like see your doctor. If it's not that serious don't worry about it as you'll likely gain it all back during the second and third trimesters as your appetite shoots back up.