The Goal Oriented SMART technique

FTFallet Posts: 4 Member
edited August 2019 in Social Groups
How to be smart about our goals? I've came across the smart technique and I think it's a great way to rethink about our goals, so I want to share it with you guys.

When I set a goal I need to know if, how, when and why I'll acomplish it. When we have loose goals it's easy to feel unmotivated because it's hard to tell if there is any meaningful progress towards it.

In other to keep focus I suggest to always think beforehand we follow all the 5 smart letters.

Is the goal Specific? We need to know what we want so we can reach it.
Is the goal Measurable? We can only know our progress if we can define it. To lose weight is a great goal, but we can only tell if we've achieved it we set a mark.
Is the goal Attainable? It is useless to set a impossible goal.
Is the goal Relevant? We'll only keep working for it if we truely believe in our goals.
Is the goal Time Based? It establish a sense of urgency and we don't keep postponing it. We should do today what we want to be done today.

Any thoughts about the SMART Technique?
Are your goals SMART?

If you are interested here's some futher reading: to write SMART Goals v2.pdf