IVF International will help to find the joy of motherhood

Couples who deal with the problem of conception are always interested in three most important questions: what surrogacy is, how surrogacy works and how much this Surrogacy Guaranteed program will cost. Each case is individual.

Surrogate motherhood is one of the measures to deal with infertility, which has been used worldwide since the 80s of the last century. Everywhere there is a liberalization of this sphere. Countries where surrogacy was prohibited allow non-profit surrogacy. And it is legalized in countries where only commercial surrogacy was prohibited. More and more lawmakers in all countries of the world understand that the right to procreation with the help of IVF group is an inalienable right of any person who is in need of surrogacy.

Surrogate mother requirements:

• her age should be 20-37 years
• she must be physically and mentally healthy
• no bad habits and medical contraindications
• she must have at least one child born naturally
• her husband must give consent, certified by a notary

Surrogacy Costs & Fees

The price is considerable and ranges from 20 to 45 thousand dollars, although it is not comparable with the huge amount that is paid for such a procedure abroad, in those countries where it is allowed. This includes the services of a surrogate mother –15 thousand dollars, plus a monthly "salary" – 400 dollars. The rest is the payment for the services of reproductologists and the agency that is engaged in the search, selection of women in labor, takes care of the registration of all legal issues. This is a kind of mediator between a surrogate mother, spouses and the reproductive center. A prerequisite for its existence is a license for this type of activity.

Stages of surrogacy

1. Discussion of all legal technicalities and the contracting.

2. The choice of a surrogate mother according to the requirements.

3. At this stage you can find out how long it takes for a surrogate to get pregnant. Menstrual cycles of a biological and a surrogate mother are synchronized using hormonal drugs. Eggs are taken from the bio mom, the endometrium (the inner layer of the uterus) of the surrogate mother is "prepared" for further pregnancy. Then, the fertilized egg (embryo) is transferred to a surrogate mother and awaits the result – pregnancy.

4. Pregnancy management.

5. Childbirth: this is the last most important stage of the surrogate motherhood protocol, because a child is transferred to its biological parents in the maternity hospital.