November 23 Sign In

RangerRickL Posts: 8,469 Member
Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes?
Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day?
Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank?


  • BonnieHosk85
    BonnieHosk85 Posts: 2,552 Member
    Gorgeous view, Don Ricardo! :smile:
  • Chinkiri
    Chinkiri Posts: 1,290 Member
    Beautiful! Yes, do keep the pictures coming! Enjoy your hike today!
  • victorious55
    victorious55 Posts: 3,440 Member
    Wow O, Don Ricardo. Thank you for this breathtaking picture. I can't stop looking at it.
  • victorious55
    victorious55 Posts: 3,440 Member
    November 23

    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes
  • Chinkiri
    Chinkiri Posts: 1,290 Member
    23rd November
    Exercise: Yes. As I was working in Marseille today, leaving early and returning late, I just walked for 25 minutes from the station to the venue.
    Calories: Yes, stayed under. I'd prepared both a lunchbox and an evening meal yesterday. I was especially grateful for the latter as I came home starving.
    Tracking: Yes, logged everything.
    I look forward to a lie-in tomorrow, was up at 5.30 this morning and didn't even snooze on the coach...
  • w8goal4life
    w8goal4life Posts: 1,375 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes, 40+ minutes washing and drying two vehicles
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes, within allowance
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes

    @RangerRickL Thank you for sharing your pics and description of where you are. Hope you enjoy the eco park hike...and will look forward to more beautiful pictures from someplace where there is sun and blue skies!
  • BonnieHosk85
    BonnieHosk85 Posts: 2,552 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes, 20 minutes elliptical, 15 minutes recumbent bike
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes
  • stella7x7
    stella7x7 Posts: 2,758 Member
    Exersized?- It was a rainy day. So what I got was dog walks,for my dog to potty.
    Caleries?- I ended up going over a little bit
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,805 Member
    edited November 2019
    @RangerRickL What a beautiful place.

    20 + minutes exercise? Yes strength, flex, and mostly indoor walking.
    Under calorie goal? Yes
    Tracked? Yes

    Still here! Still working it!
    2️⃣ out of 3️⃣ passes left

  • snowshoe072
    snowshoe072 Posts: 4,998 Member
    Beautiful photos if it were only so warm here!!
    I need a pass day not to bad first one for November will do better tomorrow
  • marg804n2
    marg804n2 Posts: 49 Member
    exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes, 35 minute morning workout and 40 minute evening walk
    calorie budget for the day? Yes, 1235 calories
    track everything I ate and drank? Yes
  • lrsirius
    lrsirius Posts: 328 Member
    Exercise: Yes. 40 minutes on the rower, 15 minutes stretching.
    Calories:Yes, under
  • angelswatercolor
    angelswatercolor Posts: 23 Member
    Nov. 23

    Yes x3

    weird day of eating but stayed within calories, did a great workout, and slowly yet patiently trying to gain a stray cat's trust (to at least let me touch him) (he comes to our back porch everyday in the last couple weeks, and he's always sitting right at the door, sending mixed signals of him wanting to be with us but not letting us actually touch him) (been hand feeding him treats like chicken and canned food... so far it's gone from him not wanting to eat from ur hand, to hissing & wacking at ur hand as he takes the food from u, and now he licked the wet food right off my hand!).

    Think I'll work on yoga tomorrow <3 I hate push ups and refuse to do them but I love chaturanga and I see that as a way to sneak in push ups into my exercise routine lmao

    Oh! I found out this morning I lost 3-4lbs so far! 143 --> 139, my 1st goal is to reach 130lb... I haven't seen that number since last December. No rush though! But to hit it by January isn't a far reach, so I'm gonna do my best to continue being mindful of how I eat and treat my body especially around the Holidays. Nothing will stop me from baking but I can at least get used to just eating a small portion of what I make as long as I can fit it into my calories <3o:)

    Your pics are beautiful as always @RangerRickL ! Where did you travel to??, maybe you said so in a previous post but I likely missed it lol.
  • Impala007
    Impala007 Posts: 293 Member
    Today was a little out of the norm....went to a fundraiser dinner. Since I wasn’t sure how the menu would play out I opted to forego lunch and just eat once today. Turned out okay playing it conservatively with the calories....

    Exercise: Y ...12K steps including 4.1 miles on the treadmill @5% and 3.9 mph
    Calories Y ..... about 300 under
    Tracked Y....
  • sweet_october
    sweet_october Posts: 56 Member
    Yes, yes and yes.