I've gained (healthy) weight (and then some)

In the 2ish years that I've been vegan, I've put on weight - like a lot - about 2 stone. My weight gain wasn't because I became vegan, I gained weight because I stopped eating restrictively and overexercising. Some of the weight I gained was healthy weight that I needed to gain since I was underweight, but the rest has not been, and now I'm at the upper end of a healthy weight range. I am stuck in unhealthy habits like snacking too much - and to be honest sometimes snacking on non-vegan foods - going plant based is a loooong journey for me.

Having read about the protein hypothesis, I wonder if my low protein intake is making me less satiated and more likely to snack (and gain weight). I rarely get 20% of my daily caloric intake from protein. I used to eat so much protein and barely any carbs, but I find it hard to do now. I don't want to increase my protein intake from artificial sources like protein shakes - I have a couple a week but I don't want to rely on them. Also, I am intolerant to soy and get so bloated after eating soy yogurts or too much tofu.

I need help and advice...has anyone else had a similar experience of weight gain, or found that their protein intake was in part responsible? Also, if anyone has any high protein meal plans to share then I'd be grateful.


  • ladyzherra
    ladyzherra Posts: 438 Member
    Thanks for sharing. I can relate to what you wrote here.

    Yes, protein deficit is real and I have found that when I take is low for a period of time, even a short period, then things fall out of balance quickly.

    Getting enough has been hard some days. I keep a quality protein powder on hand for when I definitely haven't met my goals. I like amazing grass brand.

    Also, I cube up tofu or add a half can of beans to my meals if they lack protein. It's a very quick fix.

    About the weight gain, I hear you there, too.

    I am at the upper range for my height, too. I am learning to disregard numbers and go on how I feel. It's hard. But I have found that when I can limit some of this societal expectation, I actually am more likely to lose weight. Hang in there!