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  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,261 Member

    Wednesday weigh-ins:

    Good luck!
  • Safari_Gal_
    Safari_Gal_ Posts: 1,461 Member
    If it wasn't for my son coming home for Christmas I wouldn't be doing that either... But he called me in Sept and said Please don't go away for Christmas, I will be home... Ya see he joined the Air Force in June, 4 days after he graduated high school he left, and he has never been away for that long ever, and then to have to live the dorm lifestyle and never have family or privacy around, I couldn't deny the kid... But luckily we do Christmas at my house, and I do it the way I want to do it, and could give 2 cents if anyone doesn't like it, it's for me and my kids, so we do as we choose, last year we did a taco bar, and had margaritas.. lol Both my parents, and my husbands parents have passed, so I don't feel the need to make anything traditional anymore... but apparently that's the best part, because the kids all have friends who have become regulars on Christmas day... This Christmas we are doing appetizers/ finger foods, that way I can a few early afternoon, and then throw a few more out, as people come and go...

    I love the taco bar idea!!!!!!

    (I’ve been trying to make a non traditional Thanksgiving but I’m always outvoted lol)
  • eyezbydiana
    eyezbydiana Posts: 90 Member
    Warning.. just venting
    Why do I self sabatage myself 😡😡... seems as if almost like clockwork..as soon as I'm on a good routine and I start to see a loss... I unconsciously say "..ok.. back to bad habits!!!" I know it's terrible, but it happens often.. this week I've been off the rails with eating and haven't logged since Sunday.
    I don't want to make excuses but not having a kitchen since we are in renovations is really take a toll on me. Eating out, fast food and at my in-laws is not fun 🤭
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,261 Member
    Warning.. just venting
    Why do I self sabatage myself 😡😡... seems as if almost like clockwork..as soon as I'm on a good routine and I start to see a loss... I unconsciously say "..ok.. back to bad habits!!!" I know it's terrible, but it happens often.. this week I've been off the rails with eating and haven't logged since Sunday.
    I don't want to make excuses but not having a kitchen since we are in renovations is really take a toll on me. Eating out, fast food and at my in-laws is not fun 🤭
    Don't we just make ourselves crazy sometimes? But you are here, and today is only TUESDAY. You haven't logged for 2-3 days, that is not too terrible. Yep, stress and renovations and in-laws and fast food are a really bad bunch of ingredients for any recipe. So here you are - what's your plan? Take the time to make one. You can do it! Don't let it all go now! You have lost THREE POUNDS this month so far. Hang on! Make that plan, and don't let the sabotage continue - come on in here and tell us how you're doing often, ok?
  • eyezbydiana
    eyezbydiana Posts: 90 Member
    Thanks! You guys sure know how to lift spirits lol! Right after this post, Im going to sit here and
    1) make a tentative meal plan (including my frozen foods, fast food days) so Im not caught off guard and make the worst choice.
    2) I also need to re-start paying attention to my steps. I'm pretty good with my water intake.
    3) This week I want to try and pay more attention to how late I'm eating dinner/snacks. I work until 6 usually so Im not home until about 7 or 8. I want to try and make a pact with myself where Im not eating anything past dinner time.. ideally no later than 8pm... let's see how that goes
  • eyezbydiana
    eyezbydiana Posts: 90 Member
    ✔tentative meal plan until Saturday
    😁😁😁😁let's see how I follow through
    "Failing to plan is like planning to fail"
    Im halfway there already 🤗🤗
  • Connie7355
    Connie7355 Posts: 496 Member
    11/17 - 4873
    11/18 - 10297
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,311 Member
    If it wasn't for my son coming home for Christmas I wouldn't be doing that either... But he called me in Sept and said Please don't go away for Christmas, I will be home... Ya see he joined the Air Force in June, 4 days after he graduated high school he left, and he has never been away for that long ever, and then to have to live the dorm lifestyle and never have family or privacy around, I couldn't deny the kid... But luckily we do Christmas at my house, and I do it the way I want to do it, and could give 2 cents if anyone doesn't like it, it's for me and my kids, so we do as we choose, last year we did a taco bar, and had margaritas.. lol Both my parents, and my husbands parents have passed, so I don't feel the need to make anything traditional anymore... but apparently that's the best part, because the kids all have friends who have become regulars on Christmas day... This Christmas we are doing appetizers/ finger foods, that way I can a few early afternoon, and then throw a few more out, as people come and go...

    All of our parents have passed here too, so we do what we want. My weirdo family likes to pick a theme. We’ve had France, Italy, Christmas Story (yes, With Ralphie), Medieval, Pirate, and this year we all chose 1950s. So, food, decorations, music, games, dress?? (Son’s girlfriend already said she’s wearing a beehive hairstyle) will be centered around the 1950s. Martinis 🍸 anyone. Oh yes! And tinsel. 🎄
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,311 Member
    @eyezbydiana There you go working hard to get back on track. You certainly are not alone. I have also dropped off with exercise because it’s so hard to get myself out to the gym after I am done watching my granddaughter. Tonight, I had them here for dinner, so it was too late. My steps are fine as I chase her around the house all day, but that’s not the same as a workout. I like doing it while I’m there, but make every excuse imaginable not to go. Plus, I think it’s hard for most people when it gets dark so early. We just want to curl up in our homes. Well, at least me. But making a plan and setting those goals, checking in here, and getting right back on track when we mess up is what we all have to do. Progress not perfection. Grace over guilt. We can do this together. 💜
  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    Thanks @jugar !
    Today is another day and a super busy one, which I'm hoping will help me stay on track (away from my kitchen)! I just need to plan ahead as I won't be home all day and need to take along decent meals so I don't get tempted by 'road food'.
  • Shexio
    Shexio Posts: 184 Member
    Super busy day yesterday. So glad work is increasing, but it does make it hard to keep up to date on your posts.

    Steps for 11/19: 10529

    On that note, I normally guestimate my steps using a online converter, because I don't wear a device. This morning I wore my phone during cardio and to my suprise.... I normally would coount 1500 steps for my cardio....and I was over 5000 steps. WOW! super happy to see that.

    Gotta go now.
    oh, food is on track. Thanks @jugar for helping me get over that hump. the extra veggies (unlimited)+ portion of protein really helped

  • fourathomej
    fourathomej Posts: 4,362 Member
    PW - 148
    CW - 147.6
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,261 Member
    Well I did crappy yesterday, I did great till I got home, I sat on my mat ready to do my yoga, and I just couldn't find it in me, then I read an email about a research thing I am doing about breakfast food, so I started that, then I sat on the couch and snacked the rest of the night... I don't know whats wrong with me !!!! This morning I got up, and didn't do my yoga cause sleeping was better... Ugh today has to be the day... So when I get home, I am going to do 10 minutes on the treadmill, just 10 minutes and no snacking !

    10 minutes. Any day can contain 10 minutes of exercise! But don't "reward" yourself with food, ok?? Good move!
  • fourathomej
    fourathomej Posts: 4,362 Member
    11/13 - 11202
    11/14 - 12941
    11/15 - 10488
    11/16 - 14029
    11/17 - 14072
    11/18 - 11519
    11/19 - 10236
  • fourathomej
    fourathomej Posts: 4,362 Member
    Still not sleeping well - the breathing helps a bit - calms me. Falling asleep not a problem. I wake or stir and wake myself and can't get back to sleep...

    I did sleep 6 hrs last night so woohoo!!! Work is still really crazy - had to take on 2 more stores...so now it's even crazier! I honestly just don't enjoy Christmas time. I hate that my job has made me a bah humbug kinda person :'(
  • offitgoes
    offitgoes Posts: 755 Member
    PW: 175.4
    CW: 176.4
    It seems to be the theme - Loosing the motivation. The last few days I have given up caring about what I eat. The morning I start out great and than by the afternoon I just about grab anything that looks good or is simple. The only thing saving me is the steps and water. I seem to do ok in those areas.
    Have to come up with a afternoon plan. It gets dark by 5pm - still adjusting to that.

    11/19 Steps 9,956
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,261 Member
    offitgoes wrote: »
    PW: 175.4
    CW: 176.4
    It seems to be the theme - Loosing the motivation. The last few days I have given up caring about what I eat. The morning I start out great and than by the afternoon I just about grab anything that looks good or is simple. The only thing saving me is the steps and water. I seem to do ok in those areas.
    Have to come up with a afternoon plan. It gets dark by 5pm - still adjusting to that.

    11/19 Steps 9,956

    It is the theme indeed. You have identified the problem time - afternoon. What does that "good and simple" anything give you? What do you need at that moment? If it is a little break, something soothing - try to think of another way to get what you want that doesn't set off an eating thing. Get comfy and breathe deeply for a couple of minutes. Then have a plan! What would work? Prepare something in advance so it is all ready to go.

    I think the general answer for getting motivation back is to make a plan. Figure out what the "bad" behaviour is doing for you (you wouldn't do it if it didn't on some level feel good and satisfy some need). Find another way to get that. Plan it hard, so you don't just go for the easy mindless option we all know so well. You can do this! Post back here what is your plan, ok?
  • Safari_Gal_
    Safari_Gal_ Posts: 1,461 Member
    Hi All!

    Does anyone else notice the scale go up after a few days of particularly heavy working out?

    I have an intense week of cardio and weights this week— my trainer was available and the schedule just worked out so I jumped on it.

    Whenever I work out a bunch - the scale goes up for a few days — wonder if anyone else has that happen.

    Been turbo-dragon on the diet, so it’s not food making the scale creep.

    Happy Wednesday!
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,454 Member
    It's not just me!!
    This month somehow went into the dumps with motivation. I have an audit looming tomorrow at work that am responsible for and dreading it, even though they are very collaborative. I have to get my butt moving and study for certification that should have done a decade ago and didn't see the point and life got in the way (and would make zero diff in pay) so excuses on and on
    oh and just want to hibernate...
    but am joining everyone with alternative thanksgiving - want to just make a cozy day at home stressfree without sinkfuls of scrubbing.
    dh agreed to go out of town this weekend up the coast - need to shop and bring some healthy munchies along.
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