Simple Steps To Success

ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
1. Get rid of your misconceptions -

2. Calculate your calories and macro-nutrient needs -

3. Eat about 20% less calories than you burn each day while still meeting minimum protein and fat. Get the remainder of cals from carbs.

4. Buy a kitchen scale and weigh everything that you eat.

5. Count calories using MyFitnessPal. Here's how to count properly -

6. I suggest to Lift heavy weights to preserve muscle mass, on a program like: or

7. If nothing happens after 3-4 weeks, re-examine calculations, and eat less.

8. Cardio is optional, not a necessity.

Note: If you find step 2, too complicated to understand - you can use a calculator to calculate your needs:

The activity level on calculators usually over-estimates slightly..

The minimums for

Protein: 0.82g per lb of bodyweight
Fat: 0.4g per lb of bodyweight

In extreme cases fat intake for short periods of time CAN be lowered.

In other cases protein can be lowered too, but not by much and both should only go lower than the minimums if instructed.

If you have any questions make a topic about it!
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