I need Help Up Here!

Hello Guys!
First of all i have to applogize for my poor english :)
Im new here, on this forum, but not in - Herbal Life - way of living. Im eathing HL shakes 6 months alredy. In the beginning I lost 5kg in 3 weeks, but then something happend. After a while I gained 3kg and now im stuck here. 4 months passed since I gained those kilos and now im not moving from that spot! Im not eating a lot, and im giving my best to eat healthy food. I dont eat sweets, sometimes i put brown suggar in my smoothies.
Im athlete, and im trainig a lot, twice a day acctually, every day except for weekends. My adviser is keep on telling me that im eating good food but im not loosing weight!!!!
I have to loose 7 kilos, and i really dont know what to do. Im tottaly desperate guys, and i really need ur help!
Thank u a lot!


  • BillRicks1
    BillRicks1 Posts: 473 Member

    First, welcome to MFP. I am a Herbalife personal wellness coach and I'm sure you can do this! Anyway, there are three numbers you need to track:

    1. WATER - 1/2 your body weight in ounces. More (a lot more) when you exercise.
    2. PROTEIN - Your coach should have given you this number during your wellness eval.
    3. RESTING METABOLIC RATE - You don't need to track this, just know it.

    If you need #2 and #3 contact your coach or message me and I'll run the numbers for you.

    You need to find out what your muscle mass and body fat numbers are. I can't do that for you, You'll need to find someone with a body analyzing scale. I have found that athletes or people who are working out hard hit a stagnant spot where they are not loosing weight. 90% of the time they are gaining muscle mass and losing fat at about the same rate. That won't show on a normal scale.
  • margaret081
    Hello again!
    Thank u for answering. I contacted my adviser, so here are my last results: Fats: 31,6; Muscles: 30,7; protein coefficient 80gr.
    U dont know how much u would help me with some advise. I have big competition in 2 weeks, and i have to loose 3kg till 5th of September. I dont know what to eat, and what to avoid. My adviser is good, but i was on milion diets ( becouse of tournaments ) since i was 14! Becouse of that i think that Im not ordinary athlete, its like my body doesent want to loose fats any more, and here advices are not productive. I need some individual program, not theory, if u know what i mean. Couse, theoreticaly everything is great, but in reality im still fat, and i dont loose any weight! I asked for some food program per week, to know exactly what to eat for each meal couse im tottaly desperate! But i was ignored with 'evereything will be fine', but 4 months passed!!! And nothing changed! My body is tired and im lil bit fed up with disgusting food for lunch, or snacks. The only tasty thing in my daily food recepies is F1 shake. I wanted to give up but Herbalife is my last choice! I know its healthy and i know that HL helped so many ppl.
    Again, I thank you for taking time out to answer my question. I am sure that you are really busy and I appreciate you taking the time to respond personally to me. Thank you again.